Yay new chickies!

Desert Plum

In the Brooder
11 Years
Jan 13, 2009
So. Calif desert area
Got early morning call from Post office saying my gals (and perhaps one boy) had arrived.
Once I got everyone settled down, one chick did pass away but the others are all jumping around. Dark Cornish, EE, Silver Laced, New Hampshires, Red & Black stars as well as Black Aussies. I am selling my original folk so these gals can take over the job of keeping the yard weed free and chicken poop covered.

I have some awesome coop plans that I have to save up to build so the old coop will become a sort of green house. I decided also to raise the amount I keep from seven to nine. Haven't a clue as to what I'll do with all the extra eggs.
Hopefully when the goat has its first baby the milk will induce more cooking.

I got the dark cornish to replace my delawares whom weren't available for the dates I picked. Even though they may not lay through the winter, they will be harder to see for the amount of juvenile red tailed hawks we have buzzing around.
Thanks! My second run is turning out okay so far. Didn't know our temps would drop so much at night so I had to put a light out there for them. They seem not to mind the heat as the kiddie pool they are in is on straight on the Earth concrete. Just put them to bed so we'll see how the one black star is holding up in the morning. Eating and drinking but the wings are droopy and it sleeps a lot more than the others. Long day I suppose...

I also have some real active naughty gals who like to peck wings.

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