YAY Rocking egg


9 Years
Jun 9, 2010
Uxbridge, MA
So I think we are finally getting somewhere. Getting ready for bed and check the incubator, and OMG one of the eggs is all over the place.
One of mine just externally piped about 1/2hr-45min ago and just rocking and rolling and working hard! Maybe we might have a few of our ducklings celebrating the same birthday!

How is yours doing this morning? Mine is still all over the place but no visible signs of any pip. Can see the part of the egg laying down though, so I still have hope. No peeping sounds either.
It's starting to zip open and it's rocking and rolling, so I think within the hour or so, maybe before, depends on how anxious it is to come into this mad world before I will have a little duckling! No other eggs have pipped yet. If you look above the X you'll see the shell starting to zip along. From my experience so far, that is where you want to see it pip, just on the edge or in the airsac. https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/uploads/66568_img00699-20101025-0834.jpg Not the best picture because it's from my blackberry and it's through the window, but you can see it! Mine rocked for a couple days before it pipped last night.
Oh wow, then I'm in for a long couple days.
.... But I have read enough and seen here on the forums, and WILL NOT touch that incubator... But I do like to watch and talk to the eggs while they are bouncing all over the place. I have my 7 y/o daughter doing it too and I could have sworn I heard my hubby talking to no one over by the incubator earlier but he says I was hearing things, so I think he is talkin to them as well...
I hope I get atleast 1 or 2 to hatch. I was looking at the pics with your boys missy and the boys and the ducks are soo cute. Makes me want my lil fuzzy butts to come already.
I have 3 pipped eggs today, started with 1 last night, while 2 pipped today. The one that pipped last night was rocking and rolling this morning, but right now it's taking a break, from what Katharina said, from the time of external pip, it has 24-48hrs for it to hatch, so I still may have another day or two to wait.
Mine have been rolling and rocking all day with breaks in between, so I hope we're getting close to pipping... Good luck with yours, I'm just playing the waiting game at this point. My 5 y/o just saw one wiggling and is all excited right now going around telling everyone that she will have a duckie soon. I hope for all our sakes its soon, but I'm learning a trait that I don't have and that is patience. I'm going crazy trying to keep myself away from that bator. My house is the cleanest it has been in a long time. LOL.
I'm running out of things to clean. Especiall when 2 ot of my 3 kids are in school all day. And hubby is at work all day, and its kind of cold to stay outside playing with my 3 y/o for long periods of time. So I am hoping things progress pretty quickly tonight.
What day are you on again? 1 of the 4 hatched 1hr ago, see my thread! Pictures are in there. But mine hatched end of da 29 according to my calculations, these ducklings have a mind of their own. If you think this is bad, just wait until they did pip and they hatch, if there are others pipped you can't get that duckling out until everyone else is hatched to, so it's another hurry up and wait game, this truly does test your patience!

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