i had three Rouen ducks (2 females and one male) up until about a month ago, when unfortunately one of the girls was killed by a bobcat The day she was killed, I took 4 of their eggs and placed them under a broody chicken just to see what would happen, I thought at least there might be a chance that one of the killed ducks eggs might hatch. These are the only ducks I have.
Much to my surprise, yesterday I found three newly hatched ducklings happily being cared for by momma hen. So far she doesn't seem to be aware or concerned that her chicks look a little "different" lol
The odd thing is, 2 of the ducklings are the typical brown coloring with dark bills typical of Rouen ducklings. One of them, however, is solid yellow with a yellow bill. Is it possible to have a yellow colored Rouen duckling?
Much to my surprise, yesterday I found three newly hatched ducklings happily being cared for by momma hen. So far she doesn't seem to be aware or concerned that her chicks look a little "different" lol
The odd thing is, 2 of the ducklings are the typical brown coloring with dark bills typical of Rouen ducklings. One of them, however, is solid yellow with a yellow bill. Is it possible to have a yellow colored Rouen duckling?