yellow, runny poo - lethargic


9 Years
May 3, 2010
hello all - i have tried searching 'yellow runny stool' and have come up with many threads and no definite answer, so sorry for being impatient

carmella is a 6+ month old pullet (no evidence of egg laying yet) she is a Sicilian Buttercup. her symptoms include bright yellow runny stool that is stuck to her bum and general lethargy. she eats and drinks, but not voraciously. her day consists of standing around, usually away from the flock, tail up but wings dropped slightly. she has one friend that she will hang out with and she tucks her head into her friend's fluff for comfort. (awwww) this has been going on for around a week to ten days.
today i brought her in,washed her bum, dosed her water with duramycin, and plan on checking my feed store for worming supplies.

any thoughts on what she could be sick with or what i should be doing? i lost a brown leghorn to completely different causes a few weeks back, it was carmella's best bud too
so the duramycin is what i have. i don't like blindly treating with 'biotics but i don't know what else to do. going to buy her some yogurt tonight too.

thank you in advance, BYC'ers. you all are the best.
brilliant! a poo guide! although i don't see one that matches my dear carmella's. as i was washing her bum i noticed an acrid smell, kind of metallic, or sulfurous. doesn't look like the wormy specimens, should i skip the worming? can it hurt? she gobbled up some yogurt this morning and is still really quiet.

anyone else have any ideas?
coccidiose. they dont have to have bloody poops straight away for it to be cocci. yellow runny diarrhea is also a symptom which can begin to show blood on around day 4 or 5 of infection.
young chickens suffer more severe symptoms and can die from it so if it is cocci you must treat asap

i use esb-3 but i think baycox is more widely used? its a medicine to put in the chickens water...

symptoms can vary but normally include chicken being lethargic, wings droop down to the ground, chicken puffs up feathers, eyes closed, stays in one spot for long periods of time, runny poo, sometimes with blood, they eat very little, drink very little and eventually cant get up anymore then die

i find it very important to begin treatment while they are still 'walking'. i find starting treatment after they can no longer get up rarely works..
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is there an online chicken pharmacy i can get the baycox from? my feed store only carries the duramycin. she ate 2 bowls of yogurt, and she's alert, i dunno. i'll try and get my hands on some different meds. thanx!

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