Yellow watery poop and lethargic guinea hen


5 Years
Jan 23, 2015
One of my guineas went from being totally normal to having yellow and white water poop and walking slow, staying a little puffed up, and keeping to herself. She still has the energy to get onto her perch at night but I have seen her laying down outside for the past few afternoons, which she never did before. She does leave the coop in the morning but that is about it and I don't think she is eating much. I have seen her drink water.

I haven't vaccinated my birds or treated them with Wazine but regularly put cayenne papper, ginger, garlic and cinnamon in their food and they get a lot of time outside.

I have also felt her body and didn't feel any extra baggage in her crop or any lumps lower like she might have an internal egg or something.

Please help! I don't know how much longer she can go like this.
and I noticed today a second hen is showing subtle signs of the same thing. Closing her eyes, walking a little slower and looking down towards her crop like there is something not right going on in there....
Hi, Jessica...If you haven't done so, I think you need to post in the following forum ASAP.
If the symptoms you are describing were from a chicken I would say it sounds like coccidiosis. I don't know if guineas contract it like chickens but I'd assume so. The folks in that forum may give you some advice (like go to your local farm and ranch store and ask for Corid). Good luck to you and your birds!

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