yellow yolk and a white yolk in same egg?


10 Years
Jul 17, 2010
Lyons, MI
I searched the forum and didn't find anything like this...

Egg production was down for awhile, so I did the mite/lice and worming routine on my chickens. First day that everyone seemed to start laying again, one of my EE's put out this HUGE goose egg size egg.
Curious to see if it was a double-yolker, and because we can't eat eggs for a few weeks, I took it in the house and cracked it open. (after showing the whole neighborhood what a big egg I had of course)

This is what I found:

Any thoughts on this one?
by the way, the white thing felt like a small rubber ball or a hard peeled grape. It did not burst if I squeezed it.
sorry that I did not cut it open, but it popped out of my fingers and right down the drain. Not worth the plumbing job to fish it out...
occasionally, for whatever reason (maybe an egg was stuck when another yolk came down the shoot, i don't know), an egg will form around an existing egg.

the yolk drops, the white forms around the yolk, and the shell then forms around the whole thing - the process of egg formation

there are pictures of this where small fully formed (hard shelled) eggs were inside a large egg with a yolk and white. this is what yours appears to be, whether the hard shell had not fully formed, or it was a jelly egg, another egg formed around it with a new yolk and albumin

search the forum here and you'll find this posted quite a bit in the last month or so

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