Yes, its a rant!

Its a matter of picking your noise, I guess. If they have permission, not much the others can do about it, if they aren't violating any ordinances. People move to the country and complain about tractors and roosters crowing; guess they'd rather hear weedwhackers, lawnmowers, horns honking, semi-trucks roaring by, etc.
You should always buy the most land you can afford. I believe it was Mark Twain that said something to the effect of buy more land, there is never going to be any more.
Around here the issue has gone beyond noise and trespassing. I have a neighbor that was screaming at me that I better sell those dirty stinking animals (cows, goats, chickens) because they don't want to live next to a farm and the animals will drive their property values down. I guess they didn't notice all the property was zoned AGRICULTURE around here when they bought.
Hmm, I'm not sure what to make of this. It is never nice to have your way of life changed by people that move in. At the same time, they have every right to live there if they'd like, but they don't have the right to change your way of living.

It all comes down to being nice and considerate neighbors.

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