Yet another breed/gender question - Australorp or Jersey Giant


7 Years
Jun 10, 2012
I posted days ago asking about what we suspected was an Australorp rooster. We found a home for the apparent rooster but when we went to drop him off we were told that he was really a she. I'm confused. This chicken is the leader of our pack of four. The other three chickens follow him/her around. S/he squawks (I wouldn't call it a traditional crowing sound) in the early a.m. until we let them out of the coop to free range. The person didn't want another hen so we took the bird home with us where s/he is back to squawking at 5:30am and leading the pack around.

As we were watching the group trying to discern if one of the others was the one 'crowing,' we noticed that the other three have yellow bottomed feet. From all I'm reading, this means that they are actually Jersey Giants and not Australorps.

So some of my many questions are - can anyone verify that this rooster-looking chicken is in fact a rooster? Where can I go for confirmation? I don't want to give the bird away if it's just a dominant and vocal female but my hunch is that she is really a he.
And are the yellow feet definitive give aways of Jersey Giants rather than Australorps?

Here are some pictures of our mysterious gender bird. Any advice or guidance would be much appreciated.

I would say roo because the comparison to the others but small chance it could be pullet as if you dont have roos a hen will often take the place getting a bigger comb and wattles and sometimes crowing soooo... need a standing up pic to check for saddle feathers and hackle feathers (long stringy feathers on neck and above tail.
They are 13 weeks old now. Here are some more pictures that maybe show the saddle feathers. We were confident he was a roo until we brought him to his new home. The other three have the yellow-bottomed feet (meaning Jersey Giant?) so I don't know if that would account for the difference in sizes. My hunch is that he is a rooster.


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