Yet another "is this Coccidiosis" posting


6 Years
May 6, 2013
West Texas
I got 9 chicks this past Sunday. 7 RIR, and 2 buff Orpingtons. They are in a rubbermaid tub in my kids bathroom. I have been feeding them a mix of regular and medicated chick feed. I wasn't going to get the medicated, until the lady I bought them from said I should start them on it. Another chicken owner there said she never uses it. Then I just got confused. So I have a 50# bag of non-medicated, and a 5# bag of medicated. I've been mixing it together for them.

Anyway, they seem to be acting normal, I have them on large pine shavings, and I replace them every day. I clean out their water and food dish and replace the contents daily.

I took them out on a field trip to the front yard for about 20 minutes on Monday. They mostly just stood there, shell shocked.

Last night, my daughter, who is obsessed with them, noticed a runny poop. She got me immediately (good girl), and yes, one of them has watery brown diarrhea. I watched and figured out which one it is. There's no blood, and it is eating and drinking like normal.

I added sav-a-chick probiotics and electrolytes to their water last night. They have been drinking roughly 1/2 - 2/3rds of a quart size container every day. I have a container with chicken nipples I'm going to introduce tonight, to keep their water cleaner.

Do I need to be worried about coccidiosis? I do not have any Corid on hand, TSC was out when I picked up my chicks. I am going back today to see if it's been restocked. If not, I'll drive to the next town over and check theirs.

I've been searching the site, reading as much as I can, but there's so much conflicting or confusing info out there. It could be they're too hot. It could be stress. It could be change in feed. And so on.

Any thoughts? Should I just observe at this point, or do I need to dose them with Corid?

First time chick owner, and this is so nerve wracking!

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I always thought it had to be watery or bloody or both to be cocci, but thankfully I've never had to deal with it yet.
They're cute, looks like you're doing a great job!
Thanks, Brooke. My husband tells me today, why didn't you just buy full grown chickens and skip all of this?
Haha. That's what my parents say. They always get commercial layer cast offs. What can I say, the four kids outnumber my husband and I and they love the baby chicks. I think it makes a difference in the way you "bond" with your hens, too. Mine all come running when we call, they have names, etc. my parents are super terrified of humans and run away. Both give eggs but I prefer my way. Lol.
Agreed! My daughter is determined that they are all going to be best of friends. Hard to do with a full grown pecking chicken. :) Plus, I like for her to realize the hard work that goes in to raising animals. She watched a BYC video where a lady stepped outside and called Here Henny Pennies and they all came racing around the house like the running of the bulls in Spain. Now I catch her constantly in the bathroom with them, quietly calling them, Here Henny Pennies. It's hilarious.

Lol!! Thats our hens all the way. I just poke my head out the door and call them and they come running. A chicken running- that's funny stuff.
And by the way, how the heck do you pronounce Coccidiosis anyway?
It's pronounced coc-sid-ee-osis. As long as they are still eating, drinking, and behaving normally don't worry. If one stops eating and drinking and is acting sick, switch to only medicated feed and get to your nearest feed store ASAP to get them Corrid. Delaying treatment even for a day can kill them.
I am determined to find Corid today, just in case. I am also picking up a few other things I think I need to have on hand, just in case. I live in the middle of nowhere, so I need to be better prepared.

Thanks, junebuggena!

Brooke, I could watch chickens running videos all day. Too funny!

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