Thanks. I still have everyone on the starter feed. They will be 2 weeks old on Sunday. I have natural whey protein that I make my own shakes with(about time) but it's chocolate. I have some dried meal worms. I know they say only 10% of their diet for treats.... would it be ok for me to just give her as much as she would eat? and she needs grit too, right? I also have grogel left over that I got when they were shipped. Should I give her some of that too?

So for her feet just wrap them in bandaids? all the toes? How long should I keep them like that? They don't curl all the time. They actually look like old people hands.

THanks for the help. I'm at a total loss as to what to do.

Okay, skip the natural whey protein, since it has chocolate.

But as mentioned in my last one, YES please give her as many mealworms as she will eat. The amount of protein more or less determines how fast the chicks will grow (to a certain extent). So the more she gets, the faster she'll grow and catch up with the others. The 10% rule can go out the window right now, because she needs the extra protein. And yes, grit is necessary when you are feeding anything besides "chick feed" or a crumbled formula. Although I would personally go to Walmart and get some mealworms from the sporting goods section (usually kept in a refrigerator right by the sporting goods counter) and give her those.

And I see you already gave her Gro Gel in your more recent post, so that's good.

Keep her toes "held" as straight as possible for 3 days to a week. I'd say closer to a week since she is already a few weeks old. Full-grown chickens may need up to two weeks, but she's still a growing baby! The idea is to hold the foot in as much of a "normal" position as possible. If I have chicks with all six toes curled (or eight if the back ones are also curled) I tend to draw a rough outline of what their foot SHOULD look like on a hard object. One of my favorites is old out-of-date credit, ATM, or debit cards. Then I strap their feet onto the card with the bandaging to hold the entire foot in place for a few days. But with the photo you posted, it looks like just wrapping the toes is doing a great job of keeping it all straight. Just be sure to loosen it about once a day for circulation, and then reapply them. But 7 days should straighten them out for good.
Um, eating ANY kind of cookie dough.....

My hubby is buying me 25 chicks from McMurray! 10 Dorkings and 15 rarest of rare assortment. Woo hoo!! Should be here April 1stish

Boy, I am looking at an awesome spring next year! The southside branch of the GA chicken railroad will have so many breeds to choose form, and the northern branch will fill in the rest plus waterfowl!

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