@RoboDuck I'm a bit jealous of your new goslings. @GAMarans, the secret is to let them think they're theirs. Men rarely know the truth, even when or bites them on the butt. Like @chickenrunner83 saying WE can have a full 1 acre garden if/when we get this property. He's home 4 days every 4-6 weeks! Yeah babe, WE, sure.... *mutters obscenities* smh.
A couple of years ago my daughter and son in law purchased four Silkie chicks from a woman in SC that raised Silkies. They knew nothing about chickens. One of the things the woman told them that was different about Silkies than other chickens was that, "Silkies don't roost". When my son in law made the coop for their Silkies he did not add a roost but did place a 2 x 4 on it's side to keep the Silkies from taking the bedding out of the coop with their feet when they went out into the run. After a while my daughter and son in law noticed that the Silkies were sleeping on the 2 x 4. Hmm...

I now have four Silkie chicks from their Silkies (ages from 3 weeks to 6 weeks) and one that I ordered from a hatchery (6 weeks old). Just let me say that the SC woman did not know what she was talking about. So far the Silkie chicks have been roosting right along with my other "regular" chicks in the brooder. This morning while I was cleaning the brooder one of the four week old Silkie chicks flew from the brooder floor and sat on the edge of the brooder.

But Silkies don't roost...
@RoboDuck I'm a bit jealous of your new goslings. @GAMarans , the secret is to let them think they're theirs. Men rarely know the truth, even when or bites them on the butt. Like @chickenrunner83 saying WE can have a full 1 acre garden if/when we get this property. He's home 4 days every 4-6 weeks! Yeah babe, WE, sure.... *mutters obscenities* smh.

Don't be putting ideas in GAM's head. I have her trained well enough to believe that I am always right.
Yep, I've had the exact same 'disagreement' shall we day with many folks about silkies. Mine always did except for the one that got frostbitten toes. Something was already off upstairs for that one from the beginning;-) Provide the roost and see what happens is what I had to tell potential buyers.
Actually yes, I do. I have a friend from Canada. She caught on pretty fast and GAM strikes me as a quick learner. Plus, I'm sure she'd agree to just about anything to work your nerves.

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