WHAT IS GOING ON!!??!!?? i just lost ANOTHER hen, mysteriously died 4 days after showing signs of lethargy. did all the "textbook" healings besides having a priest come out!

do you know that I have lost 5 hens since June and they have ALL been SLW's! Every single one! 1. hawk 2. copperhead 3. my dog 4. may have choked, unknown 5. unknown

Im taking her to the GA Poultry Lab hopefully tomorrow for a necropsy, its free. She's on ice right now. All that happens and i find out that my EE she is a HE. Now I have 3 Roo's and 4 hens.

NOT a happy first timer over here!
Ok, I have too many chickens/ chicks. I need to get down to about 25. How do I decide who to keep? I would feel bad about getting rid of my original chickens, but they don't lay as well as the newbies. What should i do? I have lots of babies I need to find homes for! Does anyone need some Olive eggers?
is there any way you could come to the poultry swap at Tractor Supply on Sept. 20th and bring what you are looking to part with? Is love some olive eggers!!
well i have 3 roos, they are all the same age, about 5/6 months. 1 EE and 2 RIR's. I need to sell 2 of them. i dont know which ones to sell??
they are all VERY healthy only eating organic feed and produce that we give them. i have not noticed a more dominant one out of the 3, and their personalities are pretty average, probably the RIR's are more social. Any thoughts from the experts?

I have 10 chicks that were just hatched last week. They were EE/Marans mixes and some are Marans mixes (wheatens and BCM). I also have one male Crested Cream Legbar chick. So, they would give you either olive eggs or chocolate eggs. The CCL carries a blue egg gene.

I also have some 6 week old chicks. I have some rare cuckoo silkies, a black Orpington, a Blue Laced Red Wyandotte (black version), a splash Orpington and a blue/gold Brahma. I have over 35 adult chickens and need to get them down to about 25. Ugh. If you would like some of these chicks p,m me and I will send you my phone #!

Anyone else interested?

Let me think about it, I'd love to get the young ones, that sounds good BUT We go out of town on the weekends with deer camp. Maybe on the older chicks, let me see what my buddy says if he wants some

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