Seriously considering packing up my 5 cockerels and making the 2-hour trip north to go to this. Do y'all think I would be able to sell them all if I asked $10 a piece for them? They're all pure breeds, a Wheaten Marans, a Welsummer, two Lavender Orpingtons and a Lavender Ameraucana? I'd hate to spend the money on gas and then not break even, but I dislike selling on Craigslist even more (waiting for people to show up, and then they don't, etc.)

I've only ever been to one, but it seemed like people were having no trouble selling their animals. Just come prepared to haggle! A lot of folks only want hens, but I'd imagine purebred cockerels would go over pretty well. I live close, but if I were traveling I'd want to make at least my gas money back. If your cockerels are young and cute and in good health I would think it'd be worth a shot.
Here we go again! Early this morning I found two thin broken eggs that were laid on the poop tray during the night, but this time by a couple of our just turned 18 week old pullets. A few minutes ago when our Dominique in the nest box laying and a Silkie pullet (Snowy) decided they would both fit. The Silkie just moved the Dominique right over and sat right down. The Dominique (Domino) looked like she was appalled! Chickens are so funny! We only have a couple of milk crates in the barn coop. Looks like we better get finished with the large nest box set. We have at least 4 standard pullets with very red combs and 2 Silkie pullets that are also about 18 weeks old. First Silkie egg. It almost fits through the wires on the basket. [/quot What! My Silkie didn't lay her first egg until she was 49 weeks old! Congrats on the eggs !
Quote: LOL! I didn't think they would lay so early. I figured at least 23-25 weeks. What a surprise!
Sooo two of my chickens are missing, I made the mistake of giving them unsupervised free range time AND the dog out, I'm sure they are fine just outside not wanting to come back home scared. Neighbors said they saw them running. Dang its like for every 3 chickens something happen to the 2...two of my EEs
Sooo two of my chickens are missing, I made the mistake of giving them unsupervised free range time AND the dog out, I'm sure they are fine just outside not wanting to come back home scared. Neighbors said they saw them running. Dang its like for every 3 chickens something happen to the 2...two of my EEs
I think the chickens are trying to tell us something! I let one breed out at a time and rotate days. A couple of weeks ago the Russian Orloffs refused to go back into their coop without having to be rounded up. I was ticked at them because they had never given me problems before. Then the Buff Orps decided to give me an hour and a half of exercise before my youngest child (still calm unlike a very frustrated me) fanned a hand at them and in they went! No more range time for a while. I wish I didn't mind losing money to predators so that free ranging 100% would be possible but paying for all the feed etc. to keep poultry healthy means my family would like to reap the benefits instead:)
I've only ever been to one, but it seemed like people were having no trouble selling their animals. Just come prepared to haggle! A lot of folks only want hens, but I'd imagine purebred cockerels would go over pretty well. I live close, but if I were traveling I'd want to make at least my gas money back. If your cockerels are young and cute and in good health I would think it'd be worth a shot.

They're definitely cute. They're 10-weeks old so they're coming out of the ugly teenage phase and they're all plump and nicely feathered. I'm not much for haggling but I could offer quantity discounts (1 for $10, 2 for $15, 3 for $20 etc.) I think I'll do it. Put a pumpkin spice latte in my thermos and make a morning of it, haha.

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