Do yall think the little solar lights would give enough light to get more eggs? The $1 walkway solar powered lights, maybe a few of them in the coop? My coops are all too far away from the house for electricity and dh wouldn't like the bill going up anyhow;-) The BO pullets are 28 weeks now. Completely red but no eggs although their momma started laying at 23 weeks. Even the 1 yr old momma hasn't started back laying since hatching her chick 8 weeks ago- the chick has been gone 3 weeks now! She is over her molt and is beautifully feathered now. I WANT EGGS TOO! 5 BOs of laying age and nothing:-(
Do yall think the little solar lights would give enough light to get more eggs? The $1 walkway solar powered lights, maybe a few of them in the coop? My coops are all too far away from the house for electricity and dh wouldn't like the bill going up anyhow;-) The BO pullets are 28 weeks now. Completely red but no eggs although their momma started laying at 23 weeks. Even the 1 yr old momma hasn't started back laying since hatching her chick 8 weeks ago- the chick has been gone 3 weeks now! She is over her molt and is beautifully feathered now. I WANT EGGS TOO! 5 BOs of laying age and nothing:-(
I read that your light needs to be strong enough that you could read something in the coop. So it doesn't need to be strong light.....but enough to be able to read in there.
I'm researching to see how old my chicks must be before they are moved outside during the winter. They are outgrowing their watermelon bin!!! I guess I should mention that we have full grown flock that they need to be introduced to at some point. Hmm. Might need a separate coop for the little guys so they don't get hurt by the bigs.
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I'm researching to see how old my chicks must be before they are moved outside during the winter. They are outgrowing their watermelon bin!!! I guess I should mention that we have full grown flock that they need to be introduced to at some point. Hmm. Might need a separate coop for the little guys so they don't get hurt by the bigs.

They should be 3/4 the size of your older birds. I generally don't put them with the big girls until they are about 3 months old. At that point, I separate them and keep the youngsters in an area away from the others for a few days so they can get use to that being their new home without undue stress. Then, I open the door separating them so that the big hens can come one at a time (this is another nest area for them) and basically they are there just to sit on the nest. So, the older ones usually have no interest in them at that point (because they just want to lay their eggs). After a few days, the youngsters get brave enough to venture down the ramp and into the main living area. I have plenty of roosts at different levels and plenty of space for the young ones to run if they need to. It takes about a week for them all to merge and find their spot on the pecking order. Even the little silkies are doing well.
I got a tiny little egg today! It is going into the incubator. It is kind of tan so I wonder if one of the silkies or cochins gave it to us. It was even in the nesting box!
I got a tiny little egg today! It is going into the incubator. It is kind of tan so I wonder if one of the silkies or cochins gave it to us. It was even in the nesting box! 
Sounds like a Silkie egg. We have 3 Silkie hens that lay tiny eggs, 2 are a cream color and 1 is almost white. Silkies are so much fun! We have 1 Cochin hen and her egg is a little bigger than the Silkie eggs.
The really dirty egg next to it is the off white eggs I have been wondering might be my young Cayuga duck laying. I guess we will see when/if it hatches!

Did it suddenly get cold for you too?

Yesterday I was out without a jacket on and today I am freezing! Is our nice weather gone?

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