I have newbie questions....
How long after I remove my rooster will my hens lay fertile eggs?
One hen is going broody and I thought I might let her sit on her eggs and see what happens. Am I foolish to think a chick could survive this way? I know many of you use incubators. I'm not really interested in hatching chicks, but thought I'd just see what happens if she does this on her own.
I have newbie questions....
How long after I remove my rooster will my hens lay fertile eggs?
One hen is going broody and I thought I might let her sit on her eggs and see what happens. Am I foolish to think a chick could survive this way? I know many of you use incubators. I'm not really interested in hatching chicks, but thought I'd just see what happens if she does this on her own.
Eggs can be fertile for up to 3 weeks after you remove the rooster, and momma is best, let her hatch some and see how nature works
Yup this is when DH knew he was in for a wild ride. When my first chicken (EE) laid her very first egg. Preserved for posterity :)
so glad I'm not the only one! I blew out the yolks of all the first eggs. Its fun to compare how much bigger they are now. My neighbor got me a chicken shaped egg basket, which holds them.
What brand of thermometer do you guys recommend for incubation? I have the built in digital, another digital and a coil. All of which give me different readings. The ones that are close is the built in and the coil. The seperate digital just reads 96 when the other were reading 100 to 101.6
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What brand of thermometer do you guys recommend for incubation? I have the built in digital, another digital and a coil. All of which give me different readings. The ones that are close is the built in and the coil. The seperate digital just reads 96 when the other were reading 100 to 101.6
I use the ever-unpopular mercury one that came with my bator. I calibrated it and taped it where it won't move on the backing.

I got so tired of stressing over 18 different readings from 17 thermometers, I finally put this one in ONE spot an left it. And I rotate my eggs in the bator every few days to account for hot/cold spots.

Are there any BYC Georgians near the Newnan area? And do you have any recommendations for a poultry vet? I got 2 little chickie poos with wry neck. There has been a slightly positive response to vitamin supplement treatment but it's touch and go. I do not want to hijack this thread( i have already posted a thread in the proper forum). I just need to know if any of my GA BYC neighbors can direct me to a vet JIC I need one. I am in Moreland, but Newnan is close by. Thanks in advance for your time and patience. :D

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