Alright so a friend of a friend (the person i get my showgirls, naked necks, frizzles, cochins and everything else fun) is looking to rehome quite a few fertile eggs. If anyone is interested i can put you in contact with him.

Candled my Mollted Cochin Texas eggs last night. Out of thirteen 2 were not fertile and a couple were iffy. There were some promising eggs so keeping a watch and a sniff out now until the middle of April. I'd cross my fingers toes and eyes but that sure would make it difficult to work.
What do molted/mollted cochins look like? Are they mottled? Just curious, pics when you have them
a few random pics of my AM's, for your enjoyment, but esp for carcar:

they aren't happy with me today. Before I let them out this morning, I got them one by one and took close ups of their heads to post in another thread for help determining him or her.......and I'm working inside the coop itself, and they don't like the doors not being open, even though the food and water are moved outside, LOL. I have them some scrambled eggs to take out as a peace offering...

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