Hi everyone,

I don't know if you read my thread on the intro page, but I am completely new to the world of chickens. I seem to have been "adopted" by a rooster.

There used to be a lost flock roaming around the church across the street from my house, one rooster and about five hens. The day after Christmas, he made his way across the street to my house. He has not gone home. Now I am thinking he doesn't have a home. I went to talk to the pastor and he said he thinks someone dumped them at the church or moved away and left them behind. They used to sleep in a tree and, unfortunately, a fox got to some of them. A few days after the rooster showed up at my door, one hen never made it across the street. I guess she was trying to get to him :(

I have grown quite fond of the rooster; he is really smart. My daughter named him Ricardo.

I know nothing about chickens and have been using this site to learn all that I can. I went to the store and bought him scratch. I've been giving him hot oats, safflower seeds, and peanuts. He is sleeping in my garage; he found a shelf to sleep on. So...I guess he is here to stay.

Here are some questions I have:

Where can I buy a quality chicken feed and meds to add to his water to de-worm and for parasites? I live in Loganville.

Where can I buy two adult hens for him? I do not want chicks because I do not know how to raise them.

I have to build a coop for him now, but I've seen some on here that look easy to build. Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance for your help :)
Hey guys I'm from Screven, ga. I have a small flock of 10 EE's and 2 american game fowl( I think that's what they are called) I currently have 19 eggs in the bator and hope to have one or two new additions to the flock within the next week or so! :)
Happy New Year y'all! Lotta new friends on here. BronxAngel, I am on the other side of GA from you but I know some folks with hens on my side of the state
Anyway, you might want to post that you are looking for some hens over on the BST section here! Or, if you are willing to travel on west side of State, give me a message here. Well, I hope everyone had a wonderful new year's eve. We were at home quiet farmers which was fine with me. Then I decided I wanted to try to upload u tube some animal/other antics from the Farm.... LOL I started Utubing and if you are up for a laugh or two on that, feel free to drop by our u tube page. My fav videos are the two of the goats.... I must have an antique camera and I know I do, but it took over 58 minutes to upload a roughly 2 min. video... is that normal??? I really want to video poultry in motion, but it's a rainy day. Not complaining we need rain for the farm. Oh yup, here's a link, http://www.youtube.com/user/TheGarryFarm4U?feature=mhee And please if you watch it, hit like it if you do. I'm seriously going to try to get a local feed suppliers to "adopt" a spokesgoat to help with feed costs! AND don't eat food or sip water or coffee or whatever when you watch the goat videos, not responsible for any accidents if you do. Well, ya'll have a great day. Gotta start rustling up lunch here.
I still havent been to the eastonolee sale yet. I've done sold all my birds for the year. I have Golden Laced Wyandottes, a trio of BA's, and a couple NH hens. Going to have a bunch of Buff Orps for sale next fall
If you live in town, you might want to check your local ordinance for poultry. The state of Georgia has a Farmers Market Bulletin and you can check it online for hens for sell. I believe there are some local people(Grayson, Conyers, etc.) that you could purchase 2 hens for him. There is a farm store in Lawrencevlle, it use to be down by the railroad. They will probably have chicken feed and your Wazine for the worming. I would certainly build a coop with a run. He sounds like a great guy. And you are great for taking him in.

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