No offense to big/beautiful Beau.. But WHAT!? were they smoking and why do you still have him?

Seriously though.. I couldn't let someone pay that in good conscience. But I'll let you know when I'm ready. I'll give them one!
Will do. Wait- none you got from me ended up boys?? I got a good ratio this season I believe.

Had I purchased these as chicks or juveniles, I'd charge for boys. But all mine were either hatched from my own stock or from shipped eggs, which sharply decreases my own investment. In the end I let them go for cheap/free just to decrease work load and feed bills.
My brahama's I got from you all seem to be girls how long will it take for them to grow red combs/wattles? and only one Olive has grown wattles and looks like a roo, so the others are girls. I can get pics if you like.
Quote: I've been surfing Bass Pro for over an hour now. I went to Cabela's today but being so far away from gator hunting grounds or salt water fishing they don't stock that type of equipment. I figure the stores closer to the action will have the equipment. But I would just as soon shop with a smaller business than the big box places if anyone knows of good ones in their south Georgia areas.
(No offense to big/beautiful Beau.. But WHAT!? were they smoking and why do you still have him? )

Carcar, I know he isn't the best 'standards' rooster, but it seems people are only awed by his size. The guy who offered the money didn't even care what he was! hahahha! And, no, my DH wouldn't even consider selling Beau. That's his favorite. He would sell all the others together and keep Beau if it were up to him! There's something about men and a big cock! Ooops, did I just say that?
(No offense to big/beautiful Beau.. But WHAT!? were they smoking and why do you still have him? )

Carcar, I know he isn't the best 'standards' rooster, but it seems people are only awed by his size.  The guy who offered the money didn't even care what he was!  hahahha!  And, no, my DH wouldn't even consider selling Beau.  That's his favorite.  He would sell all the others together and keep Beau if it were up to him!  There's something about men and a big cock!  Ooops, did I just say that? :lau

Hahahahaha!!!! Not in this thread too!!!:lau right now this is going on in another thread as well. Pretty funny if you ask me. :gig
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I've been surfing Bass Pro for over an hour now.  I went to Cabela's today but being so far away from gator hunting grounds or salt water fishing they don't stock that type of equipment.  I figure the stores closer to the action will have the equipment.  But I would just as soon shop with a smaller business than the big box places if anyone knows of good ones in their south Georgia areas.

The bass pro at macon is the distribution center for the southeast, if they don't stock it in the store, talk to the dept head and they "order it" then send someone to go get it from the warehouse for you. I've done this a few times.

Although it takes a road trip to get it, or wait till you're going through there. But call to be sure they have it first
I've been surfing Bass Pro for over an hour now.  I went to Cabela's today but being so far away from gator hunting grounds or salt water fishing they don't stock that type of equipment.  I figure the stores closer to the action will have the equipment.  But I would just as soon shop with a smaller business than the big box places if anyone knows of good ones in their south Georgia areas.

My hubby says check out thunderbolt marine. He's a charter fishing captain...he knows where to go...for the big stuff.
(No offense to big/beautiful Beau.. But WHAT!? were they smoking and why do you still have him? )

Carcar, I know he isn't the best 'standards' rooster, but it seems people are only awed by his size. The guy who offered the money didn't even care what he was! hahahha! And, no, my DH wouldn't even consider selling Beau. That's his favorite. He would sell all the others together and keep Beau if it were up to him! There's something about men and a big cock! Ooops, did I just say that?

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I've been surfing Bass Pro for over an hour now. I went to Cabela's today but being so far away from gator hunting grounds or salt water fishing they don't stock that type of equipment. I figure the stores closer to the action will have the equipment. But I would just as soon shop with a smaller business than the big box places if anyone knows of good ones in their south Georgia areas.

Amazon? Free 2 day shipping with a Prime account.
I'm changing the subject I have named my guineas the guinea gang, a roo really made them mad and you want to see 6 birds go after one roo and chase him around it was really funny g-gang in a row and a roo running for his life needles to say it was one of my big boys who makes 3 of one. oh BTW its the girl that makes all the noise ok guys go ahead make your jokes.
I'm changing the subject     I have named my guineas the guinea gang, a roo really made them mad and you want to see 6 birds go after one roo and chase him around it was really funny g-gang in a row and a roo running for his life needles to say it was one of my big boys who makes 3 of one.  oh BTW its the girl that makes all the noise ok guys go ahead make your jokes.  

I want to see a video.

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