I ordered SL Cochin eggs and they should be here tomorrow!! Did I tell you guys already??

The best part is, I keep forgetting I ordered them. So every time I remember I get excited all over again!
I ordered SL Cochin eggs and they should be here tomorrow!! Did I tell you guys already??

The best part is, I keep forgetting I ordered them. So every time I remember I get excited all over again!
Well..... that is one good thing that can be said about memory loss! Deja vu all over again!
So guys I have made some upgrades to my chicken coop. I installed 2 linear actuators that are connected to a photocell. Every night when it gets dark the coop door and run door automatically close and every morning when it gets light they open. I also installed a camera in the coop so I can check on them without actually disturbing them. In addition I have created a website which has a live feed of inside the coop and my backyard.

Check it out:

So Daisy had two kids today.  Both boys.  One was still born.  Last year she gave us 2 girls.  She must've tried a new position this year.

Sorry for your loss. Still births are an awful thing to witness, Very sad.

My girls get underfoot all the time and they do get stepped on, she will be ok, just rub her foot and she will be good as new.

Here is a topic that new chicken owners will come upon, "Do I heat my chicken coop"   I say no because then the chickens do not get acclimated to the weather and they do not grow their winter feathers so they will be cold.  You need to make sure that there are no drafts but good ventilation to keep moisture down and keep the coop clean chicken poop puts off a lot of moisture and moisture leads to frost bite. If it snows I clean a path from the coop to the yard.  Make sure the roosts are wide enough so when the birds roost at night they can cover their feet.  If a comb gets frost bite some say put vaseline on it some say it doesn't work.  Leave it a lone if it is bad enough the comb will die and fall off.  I do put vaseline on my combs.  I'm sure I have forgotten something so chime in and tell the newbies what works for you or what you have heard.  

Cool. I did rub her whole leg. It actually looks like it's her "hip". As if she yanked it out of place a bit when she tried to get out from under. She seems fine otherwise.
Good to know about the heat, too. I had planned on putting the heat lamp in, but I was more skeptical because of the fire risk. I never thought about acclimation. The entire top part is open on back and front for ventilation, and the plan was to close up the front (it's facing north), but it is definitely probably drafty. I just used an extra scap of roofing tin to block most of the wind. The walls are insulated, but I do need to stuff some of the gaps In the vent cover with some rags to block the draft. We are leaving the back vent uncovered, it's smaller than the front due to the angle of the roof. I think we will have plenty of ventilation that way.,
The roosts are actually too wide. I noticed Stanley's big ol toes hang over the edge a bit and they are exposed, not covered by his feathers. We will rectify that for sure. Thanks for the tips! Definitely keep em coming for us newbies!
Oh. Almost forgot to update: I finally had to resort to rooster punting today. LOL
I assume since James is in the mix now, Stanley can't afford to be seem backing down. I got spurred, kicked him, he kept at it. He just would not run. It took 4 kicks to put enough space between us so I could snatch him up. I flupped him upside down for a few seconds and carried him to the porch. I'm sure that won't work anymore either. I guess we'll see. If anybody has to go, it will be James.
I have considered putting up a separate pen to keep the boys in so they're searate from the girls. Anybody know if this actually works? I'm pretty stingy with my pets and don't wanna give them up to anyone. (Stingy, aka selfish control freak)
Oh. Almost forgot to update: I finally had to resort to rooster punting today. LOL
I assume since James is in the mix now, Stanley can't afford to be seem backing down. I got spurred, kicked him, he kept at it. He just would not run. It took 4 kicks to put enough space between us so I could snatch him up. I flupped him upside down for a few seconds and carried him to the porch. I'm sure that won't work anymore either. I guess we'll see. If anybody has to go, it will be James.
I have considered putting up a separate pen to keep the boys in so they're searate from the girls. Anybody know if this actually works? I'm pretty stingy with my pets and don't wanna give them up to anyone. (Stingy, aka selfish control freak)

Well my too was good for a while and flogging me, picked him up, turned upside down briefly and took him for a walk thru the yard and sit with him on the porch, but apparently this is wearing thin and not working. Tried isolating him for a day from the hens and that did not work. Sooooo not sure what the next plan of action will be, beautiful welsummer too, just has a attitude.

On a happier note, Lucille Bunn is happy to have her house back. We are now back to the regularly scheduled rabbit program. Morning coffee with Lucy.
I have more than enough room and nest boxes. She's just listening to the voices in her head or the mother ship or what ever, :D   I was just reading a thread on breaking a broody, I'm about to head down there an put her back on the roost with the others, and tomorrow I'll cage her by herself with some food and water for a few days and see if that helps

I wonder if there's a thread for breaking a broody cockatiel, Tweety keeps laying like 3 eggs every few months LOL. It's not good for cockatiels to lay so many eggs. There's no male bird, but she tries hard to be a momma! I tried giving her a nest, but she prefers the metal flooring of her cage-silly girl. She is a really sweet birdie, but she go's into an entirely different mode when she's sitting on eggs. Is there a way I could share a video on here?

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