I wonder if there's a thread for breaking a broody cockatiel, Tweety keeps laying like 3 eggs every few months LOL. It's not good for cockatiels to lay so many eggs. There's no male bird, but she tries hard to be a momma! I tried giving her a nest, but she prefers the metal flooring of her cage-silly girl. She is a really sweet birdie, but she go's into an entirely different mode when she's sitting on eggs. Is there a way I could share a video on here?
to post a video, when you're in the text box typing your reply, look along the top, the icon button that looks like a piece of film, between the picture icon and the smilies/emoji icon, click that and put your video there. I usually upload mine to you tube first, you can't do a direct upload on a video
to post a video, when you're in the text box typing your reply, look along the top, the icon button that looks like a piece of film, between the picture icon and the smilies/emoji icon, click that and put your video there. I usually upload mine to you tube first,  you can't do a direct upload on a video

I did push the film button but it only puts the word video in the reply box.
I did push the film button but it only puts the word video in the reply box.
strange because when I push it, it puts an 'embed video' box in with the place to paste the URL of the video. You'll have to pm one of the ADMINS I guess and ask them to check it for you

I wonder if it's limited because you have a low number of posts
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strange because when I push it, it puts an 'embed video' box in with the place to paste the URL of the video. You'll have to pm one of the ADMINS I guess and ask them to check it for you

I wonder if it's limited because you have a low number of posts

It could be because I'm on the phone, I'll try it on another device when I get around to it. Thanks for helping me, you'll be rewarded with a hilarious video LOL.
Ugh! Spent hours cleaning all the wet stinky mess out of the coop after all the days of constant rain. (And, the ducks going in and out making it so wet) only to wake up today to find that one of the nipples on the automatic water system came off and flooded that part of the coop again!!!! It's a never ending job, right? So why does my DH keep complaining that all I do is "Play with the chickens?" Ummm, I think you guys would all agree with me that cleaning a coop is not 'playing'!
Agreed. I changed out all my shavings on Sunday. That's a dusty, smelly job!! And I also encountered some VERY, very large spiders.
Got my SL Cochin eggs yesterday! Six plus an extra. Put in the bator this morning.. Here's hoping for at least a trio!! Meaning two GIRLS and ONE boy, not the other trio.
Ugh! Spent hours cleaning all the wet stinky mess out of the coop after all the days of constant rain. (And, the ducks going in and out making it so wet) only to wake up today to find that one of the nipples on the automatic water system came off and flooded that part of the coop again!!!! It's a never ending job, right? So why does my DH keep complaining that all I do is "Play with the chickens?" Ummm, I think you guys would all agree with me that cleaning a coop is not 'playing'!

OMG I hear the same thing all of the time...I spend hours scrubbing and hauling waterers, feeders, scooping poop and cleaning up messes from problems like you described all the while trying not to trip over little feather fluffs and of course being 'helped' the whole way. But somehow he thinks I'm playing or doing stuff that doesn't need to be done....somehow I think having food and water is pretty important!!
Ugh! Spent hours cleaning all the wet stinky mess out of the coop after all the days of constant rain. (And, the ducks going in and out making it so wet) only to wake up today to find that one of the nipples on the automatic water system came off and flooded that part of the coop again!!!! It's a never ending job, right? So why does my DH keep complaining that all I do is "Play with the chickens?" Ummm, I think you guys would all agree with me that cleaning a coop is not 'playing'!
I did the same thing and No cleaning out the coop is not playing ,my run is so muddy I am not sure if it will dry out or turn to a skating rink first .I got my a first egg from one of the summer chicks today ,on the poop board that was my fri the 13 th gift .

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