Took the chance and just put baby with the bigger chicks.. So far, so good- nobody seems to want to bully it and it's making happy chick chatter. I did put the lesser heat lamp at the far end of the brooder because that's where the older ones hang out and it seems to want to hang with them.. They'll just have to be warmer than they'd like for now until this one gets some fat/feathers on it.

Good Luck to the littlest one, and, of course, all of them
Do you have any that are laying yet? If not you could just wire it shut for now.. If you do you could just close it off at dusk.

That's what I am thinking, just to close it off at dusk. Have three laying, but again another problem, sometimes in the nest boxes, sometimes on the coop floor and sometimes in the run. I guess for now with it being a little cool it may be the Serena may be warmer in the nest box, she get down into the straw and stays warmer.
How old are the older ones?
They're two weeks old. Which isn't old by new-chick-introduction introduction standards, but being that they're AM cross (AM were always my most "aggressive" chicks) and that the new chick was just a singleton, I had my doubts. Everything turned out fine, though. :)
I've had to do that before. Once they break the habit you can open it back up for good.
yeah I had to block mine off completely to get them out of the habit. Once they stopped for a couple weeks, I opened them back up and now that's my sign if one wants to go broody. Speaking of which, 3 weeks ago I had the two (ameraucana) try to go broody on me and I isolated them to break them. I haven't had a blue egg since then. 4 AMs, only two tried to go broody, but no blue eggs. Guess they talk about me behind my back.....
:lau Probably so!! I just say, 'tis the season for unexplained anovulatory birds.. :lau

Y'all this baby Cochin is soooo cute!! Fuzzy-legged pudgy-ness at its best, lol. Right now it's watching the older ones take a shavings-bath :love


Next weekend I will HOPEFULLY have at least several little BR hatchlings for it to hang with, and can get rid of these older EE chicks. :
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So, last night, I was taking my dogs out and my chickens were flipping out. It was about eleven so it was pitch black and my only light was a small headlight. By the time I put my dogs up and got to my chickens, my male Rouen duck's head was completely torn off. I'm guessing a raccoon pulled his head through the wire and ripped it off then ran with it. When I woke up this morning my Araucana was torn in half and feathers where everywhere. I guess tonight I'm staying up with my 22 and waiting for that murderer. I'm not burrying half of another one of my chickens or ducks!!!

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