Photo of the house at night. Taken by one of the renters.
Not sure what the difference is. More room? Either way, glad everyone is safe and hopefully dry for a little while. I'm afraid of coccidiosis with all this wet and warmth. I have a turkey chick that is not getting medicated feed. Wonder if anyone else is concerned about this. There is something to be said for a cold snap to kill things off.

The mulch is getting the birds out of the mud/poop soup that was thick in the pen. It was grass, then bare dirt, and then mud. Now it is a 2" layer of mulch, with a few more layers going in later.

Originally Posted by Flowerbh

Worrying about my young juveniles in the crate in the garage. The renters pulled their car half-way in the garage to change their tire and decided to wait until tomorrow to get it fixed. The garage door will remain open tonight for the first time EVER. (9 years). We have our garbage, chicken feed, and the young chickens in there. Please, please, please don't let any raccoons, opossums, bears or whatever else is out there decide to come in!! I will be really mad if something gets my Lav Ameraucanas

Hope your babies made it OK through the night. I would have had to tell them to either pull it in or pull it out!
I totally forgot to turn the lamp on for my babies outside last night. Gonna go check on them in a few but I suspect they lived to tell about it.
There are two pairs of strange ducks here this morning. I canNOT get them to come in clearly with the binoculars- it's really weird lol. I told hubby maybe they're aliens.

Anyway, with this pitifully blurry pic (taken thru binocs just to show general pattern) does anyone care to take a guess? They are considerably smaller than my Mallards, swift/active swimmers and when I can make them out more clearly it seems they have the pointed "crests" behind their heads

More pics just because I love seeing birds on fresh shavings, lol. Got everyone set up with some dry bedding.. For what it's worth.

The d'Uccles were most pleased :)

The Brahma/layer pen.. They were happy but seem to believe they're a little more entitled than everyone else, so they stay cool about it.


And the good news- the baby Barred Rocks and the Cochin made it through the night without their security light. But I turned it on today because it's dark and dreary.


Can't remember if I told you all but from the seven BR chicks three appear to be pullets. Seven more developing for a hatch next weekend.
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