oh yeah, @carcar80, my leghorn AM cross rooster that you hatched out crowed for the first time today! I just love it when they first start crowing, they strain sooooo hard and so little comes out, LOL

I didn't have my phone on me to try to video it, I'll try to remember to have it with me tomorrow
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oh yeah, @carcar80, my leghorn AM cross rooster that you hatched out crowed for the first time today! I just love it when they first start crowing, they strain sooooo hard and so little comes out, LOL

I didn't have my phone on me to try to video it, I'll try to remember to have it with me tomorrow
Great! We love videos!
Got a new egg today and it is really green. I think I mentioned a while back I have a hen that is a mix between a Bantam RIR rooster and a BCM hen. She lays a egg the size of my Wyandotte's egg even though she is a bantam. It just amazes me because she is so small. She looks like a bantam BCM. She is also the one that has been picking feathers out of my frizzle hen. I am taking the frizzle out tonight.

Blue egg is from my EE and the 2nd egg from the left is the bantam mix hen's egg and to the right of that is the SL Wyandotte egg. The little mix hen lays 5-6 eggs a week.

An Olive green egg comes from mixing a breed who lays a dark brown egg (white shell base) with a blue egg shell layer. Either your RIR rooster or you BCM are not what you think they are. Those are both brown egg layers (white shell base) and would not lay an olive egg. Are you sure that egg came from that chicken?
An Olive green egg comes from mixing a breed who lays a dark brown egg (white shell base) with a blue egg shell layer. Either your RIR rooster or you BCM are not what you think they are. Those are both brown egg layers (white shell base) and would not lay an olive egg. Are you sure that egg came from that chicken?

And, BTW, I, too, love those colors! Congrats!
An Olive green egg comes from mixing a breed who lays a dark brown egg (white shell base) with a blue egg shell layer. Either your RIR rooster or you BCM are not what you think they are. Those are both brown egg layers (white shell base) and would not lay an olive egg. Are you sure that egg came from that chicken?

Sorry for the confusion. The blue and green eggs came from my Easter Eggers.

The brown on the left came from my bantam mixed hen and the brown egg on the right came from my SL Wyandotte.
Thankfully she was sleeping in the nesting box. She was doing that a while and I hoped she would stop but this time I was glad. If they will not let her on roost she goes in there and sleeps. I need to build her a coop of her own. She is tiny even as a bantam cochin. I hope some of her eggs hatch and will be small like her. Also need to sell one of the bantam cochin roosters because 2 is just too much.

I sure will! I am at Holland pretty often, if almost too often. I meant to get a bag of Rye while I was there but of course I forgot! I was looking at property over that way at one time but it turned out to be almost in AL.

I have a Serena, that the nankin Bantam's want to pick on if she goes up on the roost at night even though basically close to the same size. So built her a small little box, attached it to the wall f my coop close to the roosting bar, put in some straw and that is where she sleeps, no one bothers her. But I have to block off the nesting boxes before she goes to roost, otherwise she will sleep in the nesting box. Trying to get her trained to go into her box and not the nesting box.
Well I got my incubator in yesterday (hova bator 1588/egg turner), plugged it up and the temp has been perfect. I got the materials to build a back up today and already have a stock tank for a brooder. I got some numbered leg bands for my hens and will try to gather fertile eggs for 6 days. I also got the English Buff Orpington rooster from Eric and he's still a little young to be any help to my rooster now. I turned the new rooster out with the rest of the chickens this morning and he makes some of my smaller hens look like bantams and is larger than my 9 month old rooster. He's finding his way in the pecking order but the hens aren't endorsing him yet so it's back to the horse stall tonight.

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