Woke up to find my new "incubator" works great! So far, 4 of the 6 eggs have hatched. Not sure about the other 2 since I haven't moved Mom to see. This is my 1st broody hatch! It sure is easier than the electrical incubators! The black chicks are cochins and the yellow ones are cochin mixes. All have their daddy's feathered legs!

ee;! are these the eggs from sylvia? they are adorable i love the baby chicks

this is a blood ring right? i candled tonight most look viable, a couple i think are duds and two i think have blood rings. it's day 8 just 10 days til lock down!
Yes. The other two chicks hatched last night. So all 6 eggs hatched! They are cute little buggers!
Oh and BTW, Sylvia's eggs are 16 for 16! And the green eggs hatch about 8 hours before the brown ones! I guess the genetics are that different!
They named their rooster Cowboy because he likes to ride.....if you know what I mean....anyway, great fertility rate! LOL
Oh and BTW, Sylvia's eggs are 16 for 16! And the green eggs hatch about 8 hours before the brown ones! I guess the genetics are that different!
They named their rooster Cowboy because he likes to ride.....if you know what I mean....anyway, great fertility rate! LOL

i candled last night i couldn't see much in the brown ones i did see a few with veining the green one definitely had veining. I can't wait 10 more days til lock down lol
Finally got a photo of all 6 chicks from yesterday! Momma Silkie is being a great mom!

And my incubated chicks and ducks from last week are finally having their first "play day" outside. It has been so rainy this is the first chance to get them out! And, poor babies, its gonna be raining again soon!

More eggs coming Monday! I will be setting more Salmon Favorelles, some Wheaten Ameraucanas, and some crosses that produce supper blue eggs! Yea! Hopefully this will be my last hatch from purchased eggs. I will wait until my green egg gene rooster is old enough to give me some fun colored eggs combinations from all my girls!
Finally got a photo of all 6 chicks from yesterday! Momma Silkie is being a great mom!

And my incubated chicks and ducks from last week are finally having their first "play day" outside. It has been so rainy this is the first chance to get them out! And, poor babies, its gonna be raining again soon!

More eggs coming Monday! I will be setting more Salmon Favorelles, some Wheaten Ameraucanas, and some crosses that produce supper blue eggs! Yea! Hopefully this will be my last hatch from purchased eggs. I will wait until my green egg gene rooster is old enough to give me some fun colored eggs combinations from all my girls!
i need a duck know anyone who has one?
In 2011, I founded the Backyard Chickens Alliance of Cobb County to change the forty year zoning ordinance that banned poultry on property that is less than two acres. With the hard work and dedicated efforts of a small group of people over two years, the Board of Commissioners agreed to allow Variances for people to own hens on less than two acres. To attain a Variance, you must fill out the paperwork and include a $150 filing fee. The Board of Zoning Appeals schedules a Hearing within two to three months. At the Hearing, the applicant is allowed ten minutes to make his case, and then any who are opposed are a cumulative ten minutes to make their case. The Board then discusses the case, and asks questions if required. The Board is required by Code to consider the following minimum conditions: "Written consent or opposition of adjacent property owners, including the homeowners association, if applicable". It then makes a motion and votes.

On May 8th, 2013, the Board of Zoning Appeals heard the first Cases for Variances for hens. The first case passed, 5-0; no neighbors opposed the Variance request. The second case was my request. A show of hands from the public was eleven people supported and six people did not. I presented my case; three people presented opposition. One person was the President of a local civic organization that has opposed poultry in Cobb County from the beginning. She stated that several of the HOAs surrounding my neighborhood did not support my Variance. My neighborhood does not have an HOA. The second person to oppose is the President of a neighboring HOA. He stated that he and his association did not support my Variance. The third person was a member of the same HOA. During the discussion, an email was read from my neighbor that lives across the street- she opposed my Variance request. The neighbors on both sides of me supported my Variance and signed a petition stating such. The neighbor behind me, in a different neighborhood, did not support or oppose. The Board denied my request for a Variance.

I am quite certain that this refusal is personal payback for two years of social activism to allow Backyard Chickens in Cobb County. Cobb County is just north of Atlanta, GA, where Backyard Chickens are legal. Backyard Chickens are allowed in most of the suburbs around Atlanta. I can accept a personal defeat in matter; however, with this being new legislation I feel that these actions set a very bad precedent for future cases. The BZA is contradicting the Commissioners' action. The law said that the BZA must take into consideration the opinions of my neighbors- the BZA did not do so. They only took into consideration the opinion of one neighbor. That is a very sad example to set, and a complete slap in the face to the Board of Commissioners.

An Appeal is allowed with 30 days. The attorney needs a retainer up front to take the Appeals Case. I cannot afford to this on my own. Please help me continue to fight for our property rights. Thank you!
Backyard Chickens Defense Fund for Variance Appeal
That is a shame, Joseph. I feel like I am riding your coat tails in acquiring and keeping my hens. You have my total moral support and I'm looking at some assistance in the other area. Good luck with your appeal

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