Nice!  Isn't fun to think about all those chicks!  Question:  What do you do with all the males?  I hatched some eggs that I ordered because I wanted that particular chicken, and then I have to deal with roos.  

I sell left overs at the Red Barn auction in Sylvester on Saturdays.
I sell left overs at the Red Barn auction in Sylvester on Saturdays.
How much do you usually get for them? We have an auction place near me. Do you usually know which ones are males early on or do you wait. The problem with waiting is that everyone else knows they are males, too and then they don't want them!
How much do you usually get for them?  We have an auction place near me.  Do you usually know which ones are males early on or do you wait.  The problem with waiting is that everyone else knows they are males, too and then they don't want them!

I just pick out what I think will be males and usually get around $2-$4 for them. I'll just be glad to get rid of extras. Haha!
I'm in the market for 1-2 juvenile silkies. I don't really need anymore cuz I have 1 RIR, 2 barred rocks and 1 rhode island red. I just think silkies are adorable. :). My 12 yr old really wants one too but they are hard to find in the older stage. I'm in savannah ga if anyone has extras. :). Ty!
Almost had a heart attack last night. You know, we rent our home as a vacation rental. http://www.vrbo.com/438003 Anyway, I already know that some of the kids had taken some eggs out of the nest although that is one thing I ask that they not do. I give them eggs when they arrive, but I am one of those nuts who likes to keep track of my eggs. I know who lays what and I date them and put there initials on the eggs. I keep a chart and know how many eggs I get every month.....so I only have 10 laying hens right now so that is not hard to do.....anyway, my husband and I had gone to town and when we got back the one baby chick we kept for our broody (so she wouldn't be lonely) was missing! OMG! The family was not here thank goodness....or I might have said something awful. Anyway, after an hour we found the little chick stuck in some juniper bushes. My husband made me apologize to the woods for all the bad things I was thinking and saying!!! I did think those kids had done something to the chick. They are not nice kids and just disobey the parents all the time. Anyway, I guess I need to be a little more careful with the coop. My husband wants me to put locks on the coop and nest boxes but I hate doing that....I mean, this is MY home!! (when we don't have renters) What an inconvenience! But we do have trouble with the kids who come wanting to reach in and touch the laying hens....then they slam the nest boxes back down and run! Ugggg...kids!
Almost had a heart attack last night.  You know, we rent our home as a vacation rental.  http://www.vrbo.com/438003  Anyway, I already know that some of the kids had taken some eggs out of the nest although that is one thing I ask that they not do.  I give them eggs when they arrive, but I am one of those nuts who likes to keep track of my eggs.  I know who lays what and I date them and put there initials on the eggs.  I keep a chart and know how many eggs I get every month.....so I only have 10 laying hens right now so that is not hard to do.....anyway, my husband and I had gone to town and when we got back the one baby chick we kept for our broody (so she wouldn't be lonely) was missing!  OMG!  The family was not here thank goodness....or I might have said something awful.  Anyway, after an hour we found the little chick stuck in some juniper bushes.  My husband made me apologize to the woods for all the bad things I was thinking and saying!!!  I did think those kids had done something to the chick.  They are not nice kids and just disobey the parents all the time.  Anyway, I guess I need to be a little more careful with the coop.  My husband  wants me to put locks on the coop and nest boxes but I hate doing that....I mean, this is MY home!!  (when we don't have renters)  What an inconvenience!  But we do have trouble with the kids who come wanting to reach in and touch the laying hens....then they slam the nest boxes back down and run!  Ugggg...kids!

ME 2!!! Lol! My neighbors kids come to our house and try to catch the chicks while I'm not home, and they haven't been letting me pick them up anymore like they used too.

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