The little Serama's are here and all settled into their new brooder box. Everyone even has a name now, though we tried to make them as unisex as possible since we can't guess their genders yet. They are so adorable and tiny!

This is Twizler. S/he has the biggest personality and when we open the brooder S/he comes running straight to us to see whats going on.

Twin of Twizler is Licorice! This one is more laid back then Twizler. Very mellow little bit.

Here is Sammy. The second littlest of the flock.

This is Riley.

Adorable little Alex.

Parker, the largest of the babes.

Last but not least my personal favorite (even though I love them all!) the runt, Haiden.

Haiden did not want to stay awake long enough for a photo op!
They are adorable! I love the names you chose too!
It's an odd Welsummer weekend for me. My 16wk old rooster mounted (for a brief moment) my 31wk old lead EE hen today (a first). On the more heart wrenching side… When I purchased him as a day old I also got two day old girls so he would have some of his own breed (I know like a rooster really cares about that).
Any way….while tending my flock yesterday and giving them a Kale treat I noticed one of the two girls would not come over, instead she sat huddled against the post and feeder base. I called to her and when she tried to come to me I was horrified. Her legs were crumpled up under her and she kept falling over. I scooped her up to find that she was a bloody mess from above her lower back down over her vent and her legs. She had been viciously attacked by a few members of the flock for some unknown reason. They have been together for many months with no issue before.
I have her in isolation in a basement pen. She is eating and drinking, but can not stand. One leg flys out to the side and she throws a wing down to steady herself. The body damage (which includes a beak shaped missing chunk) might heal, but the leg has me concerned. Should I try hobbs? Or take her out of her misery and cull? She is such a sweet young thing, I do not give up easily on injured animals but there is a time where it is more for the owner than the birds sake to keep it alive.

Warning graphic Pictures of the injuries. Any advice?

It's an odd Welsummer weekend for me. My 16wk old rooster mounted (for a brief moment) my 31wk old lead EE hen today (a first). On the more heart wrenching side… When I purchased him as a day old I also got two day old girls so he would have some of his own breed (I know like a rooster really cares about that).
Any way….while tending my flock yesterday and giving them a Kale treat I noticed one of the two girls would not come over, instead she sat huddled against the post and feeder base. I called to her and when she tried to come to me I was horrified. Her legs were crumpled up under her and she kept falling over. I scooped her up to find that she was a bloody mess from above her lower back down over her vent and her legs. She had been viciously attacked by a few members of the flock for some unknown reason. They have been together for many months with no issue before.
I have her in isolation in a basement pen. She is eating and drinking, but can not stand. One leg flys out to the side and she throws a wing down to steady herself. The body damage (which includes a beak shaped missing chunk) might heal, but the leg has me concerned. Should I try hobbs? Or take her out of her misery and cull? She is such a sweet young thing, I do not give up easily on injured animals but there is a time where it is more for the owner than the birds sake to keep it alive.

Warning graphic Pictures of the injuries. Any advice?

Oh No! I am so sorry! I don't have any words of wisdom but can only offer a ((HUG)) Does she appear to be in great pain? I too don't mind tending an injury if I'm certain time will heal it. My personal thought would be to give her some time to heal if she doesn't seem to be suffering greatly. Again, so sorry.
Oh No! I am so sorry! I don't have any words of wisdom but can only offer a ((HUG)) Does she appear to be in great pain? I too don't mind tending an injury if I'm certain time will heal it. My personal thought would be to give her some time to heal if she doesn't seem to be suffering greatly. Again, so sorry.
Thanks. I am afraid due to the leg issue alone I will be forced to put her out of her misery. It does not appear to be broken although pecked here and there. I think it is more a joint injury. I'm keeping her quiet think I will Hobb the legs. Despite the fact that she is eating etc, she is in pain when she tries to stand. She makes odd noises and looks at me like make it better Mama.

This is my girl quietly laying in my lap while I inspect her injuries.
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Aww, so sweet. There's 2 things that really break my heart-sick or hurt children and sick or injured animals. FX she overcomes this and gets better. If you do have to cull her, remember you are doing it as an act of love and kindness (even though it hurts your heart ).
Aww, so sweet. There's 2 things that really break my heart-sick or hurt children and sick or injured animals. FX she overcomes this and gets better. If you do have to cull her, remember you are doing it as an act of love and kindness (even though it hurts your heart ).
Thanks. On the good side she is no longer bleeding. That leg of hers though goes straight out to the side when she tries to stand. She is still eating etc. so I will giver her some time to mend and be quiet. If she gets worse or the leg no better I'll have to do the deed.
Glad she isn't bleeding anymore. That has to be a relief. Thinking positive thoughts that she will be okay.
I'm having a time with all my chicks today. Found one of my 33 wks old bare in the back-thought it to be the roo but it's another hen that's constantly pecking her. Got those separated. My 4 week old chicks have fought until one is bleeding under his eyes(the sad part is they are here in the house in a brooder) Moved them out to a pen but had to remove the aggressor and the injured so I have a chicken in the dining room- scratch that-he just landed on my keyboard! Oh my- I need about 10 more pens right now to keep everyone at peace.
Anyone want to buy a 4 week old roo? I have possibly 6 out of 7 hatched and one is sitting on my head as I'm typing! Hope everyone is having a better day then me.
Glad she isn't bleeding anymore. That has to be a relief. Thinking positive thoughts that she will be okay.
I'm having a time with all my chicks today. Found one of my 33 wks old bare in the back-thought it to be the roo but it's another hen that's constantly pecking her. Got those separated. My 4 week old chicks have fought until one is bleeding under his eyes(the sad part is they are here in the house in a brooder) Moved them out to a pen but had to remove the aggressor and the injured so I have a chicken in the dining room- scratch that-he just landed on my keyboard! Oh my- I need about 10 more pens right now to keep everyone at peace.
Anyone want to buy a 4 week old roo? I have possibly 6 out of 7 hatched and one is sitting on my head as I'm typing! Hope everyone is having a better day then me.
Thanks for the smile. I can imagine that little guy perched on your head like a sunday bonnet. I needed the smile as I've had the tears, I had to put my poor sweetie down tonight. Her leg was just not natural and she sounded like she was in pain. I had hopes with the bleeding stopped, but that leg was so wrong. Thanks again for the smile

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