So today I looked at my 22 chicks and according to feather sexing, I have 11 girls, 9 boys and 2 on the border although I am wanting to see girl! Tomorrow I will separate the boys from the girls and put them in different brooders.. Mainly because I don't have enough room in one brooder for all of them anyway. But also because I am anxious to know how accurate I am in guessing the sex of these week old chicks. It will be interesting to know if I can tell. I know feather sexing doesn't always work, but I have also taken into account, tail feather growth, stance and wing shape. I will let you know how my guesses turn out.

Picture of chicks before I separated them.

Picture of one of my favorite frizzled Easter Egger....large fowl! Im pretty sure this one is a girl!

See cute little Naked Neck on left side?! Most all these chicks will lay variations of blue/green eggs. They will be $3 each if anyone wants to get some!

We definitely want some here! We are taking out two little cockerels out of the coop and to 'snake camp' tomorrow so we will have two/three openings in our smaller coop for some pretty egg layers. And Mum wants to know how 'turtle' is going. lol
An "I told you" moment: My dear sweet hubby has been riding the male ego train from the start of my chicken obsession (yes I admitted it o.b.s.e.s.s.i.o.n). My Dear Sweetie has wanted a rooster, despite the facts about crowing whenever not just on cue etc. He has been a great help as his schedule is his own to command while I work an hour a way in a physicians office. He sugar watered a dying mail order chick only to watch it die with in an hour of my arrival. He worried over temp and humidity in the incubator while the Tolbunt eggs stewed. His big heart went out to a "dead in shell" that after a day and a half was still sticking it's weak beak out of the one and only hole it had pipped, carefully freeing it as he had "read in my books"….only to greet me as I came in with his deed and that I would probably have to cull it (which I did 3 days later poor wee thing was not meant to be). So you see folks why I gave in and let the man pick out a rooster from a selection that would be compatible with my varied flock.

He named it Perseus (Welsummer) and has been very proud of how tall and strong his has grown over his 18 weeks of young life. Yes his boy is full of color pride and crows starting at 4am….5am…6am…sun up and out in the run…off and on all day…and of course in the evening before coop time…..out side of our window. Yes Perseus has grown in to quite the ladies man…make that rooster…to. He has come in to his own and none of the laying girls are safe to graze. It seems over night they have learned to feed with their backs to the run walls and yet nature finds a way. So now hubby at 4am and 5am for the most part is talking roasted chicken and he is serious…oh my.

So for all of those husband or wives how ever the situation fits….sometimes it's best to listen to the advise of your caring loving spouse who has more experience when it comes to acquiring livestock lol. We will see how the story of Perseus plays out, for now he is safe and happy…very happy has more and more of my varied aged flock is coming of age. Strange but maybe it is my childhood memories of every summer on family farms, I don't mind the crowing and it brings me an odd since of peace along with all of the other sounds of nature.
Hi everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend. I ended up with 12 fuzzy butts out of 19 eggs! They are so cute. I did have a rough day Saturday- one chick came out with his gut out and another was stuck in the egg and started bleeding bad when I tried to help. I had to cull and it broke my heart. I saw after the fact that the stuck one also had his gut out. Not sure what went wrong to cause that. The rest never pipped and was dead in the shell.
OohLaLa- do you still have Pereus waking you every morning? My husband complained about my 2 because they start at 4:10 every morning but we have both gotten used to it. Hopefully your (well hubbies) roo won't be the guest of a Sunday dinner!
Hi everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend. I ended up with 12 fuzzy butts out of 19 eggs! They are so cute. I did have a rough day Saturday- one chick came out with his gut out and another was stuck in the egg and started bleeding bad when I tried to help. I had to cull and it broke my heart. I saw after the fact that the stuck one also had his gut out. Not sure what went wrong to cause that. The rest never pipped and was dead in the shell.
OohLaLa- do you still have Pereus waking you every morning? My husband complained about my 2 because they start at 4:10 every morning but we have both gotten used to it. Hopefully your (well hubbies) roo won't be the guest of a Sunday dinner!
So cute! What kind are they?

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