Silkies and mostly yard birds. Trying to get into ameracuana/ee's if I can get my son's dog to leave them alone. The dog doesn't bother any of my other roos but he killed both my ameracuana roosters.
I've actually got someone coming out tomorrow to pick up 6 Ameraucana chicks that I have. But I'm gathering more eggs for incubation now. The next set will definitely be EE's though.
Anyone in the Dawson, Pickens, Forsyth, Cherokee county area want 7 chickens, all 9 weeks old? 5 Black Australorp Pullets, 1 Black Australorp Cockerel, and 1 Easter Egger Pullet. I picked them up a few weeks ago, and I haven't had time to put up my coop extension. They've been living in a box in my mudroom.
I'm selling the lot for $40.
I've actually got someone coming out tomorrow to pick up 6 Ameraucana chicks that I have. But I'm gathering more eggs for incubation now. The next set will definitely be EE's though.

I foresee the husband murdering me. I just set 35 eggs for the new year's day hatch along. But I would love to see some of your grown birds and maybe get a few of the babies when they hatch.
I live in Georgia. North Georgia to be more precise. Ball Ground near the blue ridge mnts. I have 44 chicken eggs due to hatch the 21st and 4 duck eggs in my bator.
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Well poo...I had one Tolbunt hatch out yesterday...no more action with the other eggs. Poor little thing has been crying for comfort with no answers. Her 24 hours were up so I moved her into a playpen set in my brooder where I have two older Tolbunts for company. The only problem is she wanted them more than warmth from the Eco glow. She was shivering so I moved her up to a box of her own and a brooder light. She has a wool sock for a mama and a mirror for a companion. Finianlly she started to drink and eat. No signs from the other eggs so she will be alone for a week or so before I move her down with the others.

Does anyone have any ideas for a lone chick?
Well poo...I had one Tolbunt hatch out yesterday...no more action with the other eggs. Poor little thing has been crying for comfort with no answers. Her 24 hours were up so I moved her into a playpen set in my brooder where I have two older Tolbunts for company. The only problem is she wanted them more than warmth from the Eco glow. She was shivering so I moved her up to a box of her own and a brooder light. She has a wool sock for a mama and a mirror for a companion. Finianlly she started to drink and eat. No signs from the other eggs so she will be alone for a week or so before I move her down with the others.

Does anyone have any ideas for a lone chick?
smaller stuffed animals they can cuddle up to, clean feather duster to burrow into, interaction with you too :)
smaller stuffed animals they can cuddle up to, clean feather duster to burrow into, interaction with you too :)
Thanks. She is so sad snuggling up to the wool sock or falling asleep in front of the mirror. She is eating and drinking still. I have a silkie that has gone broody over a week ago out in the coop. I thought about bringing her in and setting up up in my chicken playpen with food and water. Do you think there is a chance she would take to this little one as one of hers?

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