Well, based on that, I went outside and discovered I have at least two pekin females, and two males. The fifth I'm not sure about, and the two swedish are a complete mystery since they both still peep.
Rear end
I admit, I don't know ducks as well as chickens or even geese, but I thought all ducks quacked? Both male and female?

Runner duck females quake while the males just do this peeping thing. The females don't "quake" until they are about 1 month old so if you don't know how to vent sex ducks, which I don't, you have to wait for a month to see if they start quacking. Luckily the little runner duck I hatched 6 weeks ago started quacking so I have a girl!

What you're actually looking for would be on the chicken's back, right where the tail meets the body. If it's a roo, it will have thin almost stringy-looking feathers right there. They don't grow up into the air with the tail though. They fall down on either side of it. But they aren't the normal wide round-tip feathers you see on the rest of the body. They are very thin, with pointed tips.

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