And that is exactly why I love when it rains! You have an excuse for sitting on the sofa and reading a good book!

Did someone say good Book? hehehehe I love that excuse too Flowerbh But truth me told I never need an excuse, the books are the excuse. LOL Really though, I need this week to be clear during the days. So much to do!
lost another bird today, first a copperhead last week, now a hawk destroyed another silver laced wyandotte today. so sad. only 2 SLW's left. Guess I will be looking into adding some kind of elevated netting above the run. GEEZ!!

I am so sorry to hear it. Your poor heart, and birds! :( Before we started this journey I knew we would likely lose some birds to predators it still though hit very hard.
We picked up a HUGE black copper maran roo today from someone in SC and then 2 Maran hens. I hope they recover from the move quickly and give us eggs! Soooooo excited for eggs!
We picked up a HUGE black copper maran roo today from someone in SC and then 2 Maran hens. I hope they recover from the move quickly and give us eggs! Soooooo excited for eggs!
I am So jealous! I would love to have a black Copper Maran Roo and hen! Tried to get a pair with my mail order 7 weeks ago but they were sold out.
I've been awake nearly all night listening to a mouse or mice chew away half of the underside of our house. Ugh! I wish our chicks were older then I could send the ones known for eating mice under the house to get them. I hate meeces to pieces!
lost another bird today, first a copperhead last week, now a hawk destroyed another silver laced wyandotte today. so sad. only 2 SLW's left. Guess I will be looking into adding some kind of elevated netting above the run. GEEZ!! 

Look on amazon for bird netting. I got a 25 x 50' for 29.00 pulled tight over coop and run with 2" PVC poles with t posts. Works great for hawks and owls. They bounce off like a trampoline. Also after months of that they stop trying and now that I free range they just fly over and don't even bother them anymore. Worth a try.....
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I've been awake nearly all night listening to a mouse or mice chew away half of the underside of our house. Ugh! I wish our chicks were older then I could send the ones known for eating mice under the house to get them. I hate meeces to pieces!

You could use the Turtle Man technique, Catch a rat snake and release it under your house. A snake will clean out the mice in no time at all.
ugh i know! i just bought the knotted heavyweight netting online, only cost me $180 with shipping!!! GAHH!!!! now I have to figure out how to install it so it is elevated in the middle like a roof. ??? anyone know? im going to look through the threads on here to see what others say.

You think the hawk will keep coming back now that it knows where the free buffet is? 

I had two 2x4's (although mine were 8 feet long) sticking straight up from the ground to hold mine up. The tension and weight of the net held it in place, so I didn't need to attach it. I just installed the net, and then went underneath and pushed it up with the boards.
You could use the Turtle Man technique, Catch a rat snake and release it under your house. A snake will clean out the mice in no time at all.
My DH came home from work the other day with that idea from a fellow worker so I looked it up and although rat snakes like rats they also love eggs and I would worry about them getting the little Silkie chicks. I haven't started getting any eggs yet but should soon. Our JRT, the poor girl tries to catch the mice and she has caught a few lately but she is 14 and not in good health. The year that we had a mild winter and then a ton of rain in the Spring and Summer changed something around here in the soil and she now keeps a cough. The Vet said he had seen a lot of dogs with the same problem. She has been on meds for a year now but it doesn't seem to get rid of the cough completely and the heat just gets to her so bad. A cat is out of the question seeing as I am allergic to them. My DH thinks that is funny with my name being Cat and me being allergic to them.
I don't get it.
Look on amazon for bird netting. I got a 25 x 50' for 29.00 pulled tight over coop and run with 2" PVC poles with t posts. Works great for hawks and owls. They bounce off like a trampoline. Also after months of that they stop trying and now that I free range they just fly over and don't even bother them anymore. Worth a try.....
I was just looking at that netting on Amazon the other night. I will tell the DH that you have been using it and that it works great.

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