I've been awake nearly all night listening to a mouse or mice chew away half of the underside of our house. Ugh! I wish our chicks were older then I could send the ones known for eating mice under the house to get them. I hate meeces to pieces!

We have an ancient cat and I thought her hunting days were long gone but the other night she was racing around the house chasing something and at first I thought one of those horrible big bugs from outside got in. Had not seen this cat move like that in YEARS! Turns out, it was a mouse! We managed to save the mouse and let it go outside far from the house. I am soooo happy to have this cat. She leaves the big chickens alone too! I wouldn't trust her with chicks mind you.

Anyway, time for cat?
How close are you to us? I am on my phone and cannot access our forum map. I am pretty sure we have an extra black copper marans rooster we don't need to be feeding.....And a buff brahma....and a barred rock.....and some weird bearded easteregger thing.....
Oh, I am between Athens and Augusta but my DH said No more chickens for me right now. Thank's for the offer though.
We have an ancient cat and I thought her hunting days were long gone but the other night she was racing around the house chasing something and at first I thought one of those horrible big bugs from outside got in. Had not seen this cat move like that in YEARS! Turns out, it was a mouse! We managed to save the mouse and let it go outside far from the house. I am soooo happy to have this cat. She leaves the big chickens alone too! I wouldn't trust her with chicks mind you.

Anyway, time for cat?
I'm allergic to cats or I would get one for sure. Lol! With my luck I would get the only cat that didn't like mice.
I might have just lost a cat... right after he stole two chicks from my brooder. When I was at my sister's house, he never touched them. I even have a photo of a lone baby bantam sitting on his back, as he snoozes in the sun. I can't believe he came in and took one this past weekend.

But he also hasn't been back since then. So he may be gone. I'm not sure what would have happened to him, but it's not unlike him to stay away from me for more than 24 hours.

Everybody happy, happy, happy!!
After talking with my mom and brother, and dealing with my sister and the woman who is loaning me space to keep my birds right now, I have decided to get rid of my chickens, geese, ducks, and even the baby turkeys.

I may get back into them later. But right now, I'm just in a bad position with them. The lady who has them at her house now, did not get her husband's approval first. And he has flipped out on me every single time he sees me, giving me tight deadlines to get them off his property. Some of the younger ones get out, and I told the lady not to worry about it. But she still tries to get them back in, and he flips out because she is "having to take care of them". Even though I told her to leave them alone, that if they die, they die.

Abmaddox said she would keep them at her house once she moved, but she's having trouble getting the seller to respond. Meanwhile, the guy who chastizes me every time he sees me, has now told me I have 30 days.

I have been by every single day to give them food and water. He's not paying anything for them. And he shouldn't be treating me like this when his own wife said they could stay there for a while (I told her maybe 6 months tops). But I'm stuck in the middle of their argument.

I have only four laying right now - two Sumatra hens, one mixed bantam and one frizzle cochin bantam. I also have a broody sumatra raising four chicks of different breeds.

I have maybe 8 easter eggers, but none of laying age. I have a cuckoo maran roo, frizzle roo, and silkie/EE mix roo (normal feathers). I also have a LF splash cochin, should be pullet. And a LF silver laced cochin that is the same age as the splash, but half her size after surviving a bazillion issues.

Also four buff orpingtons from @mrsdszoo which looks like two cockerels and two pullets. Two sizzles - one white, one partridge - and two baby frizzles that are a mix of brown, white, and black. Maybe four leghorn mixes, and one barred rock mix.

Ducks, I have two crested swedish, one black, one blue. No clue on gender yet. I have five white pekins, two female, three male. Then my two Royal Palm poults, and most upsetting.... my trio of sebastopol geese.

Most of the better ones are being sold. The pekins, and some of the chickens (mixed breed mostly) are being given away.

I am keeping the pens because eventually I'd like to get all of this going again. But because of the situation I am in right now, it's best that they find new permanent homes. I'd rather they go before this lady's husband kills them all, or hauls them off to the auction and keeps the cash for himself.

And if abmaddox, debgal, or mrsdszoo want to take them to the auction, that's fine. I have no way to transport them right now, and work too early on Saturdays to attend it myself.

I really hate to be doing this, but this jerk is leaving me no choice.

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