I thought I had a pair of EEs but it turns out the 'cockerel' laid HER first egg today! It kept pacing and going from the roost to the nest so I thought it was nuts acting like it could lay a first egg. Then the 'boy' laid an egg! It isn't green or blue so that sucks but I now know I have 2 pullets:)
I thought I had a pair of EEs but it turns out the 'cockerel' laid HER first egg today! It kept pacing and going from the roost to the nest so I thought it was nuts acting like it could lay a first egg. Then the 'boy' laid an egg! It isn't green or blue so that sucks but I now know I have 2 pullets:)
Sur-prise, Sur-prise, LOL! What does SHE look like? Do you have a picture? I thought EEs could lay any color including white? Yes/no?
I've never been great at math but even I know or thought I knew that with 4 laying hens you can get up to 4 eggs a day. Isn't it like a 20 hour cycle for hens to produce an egg? So what happened? Also, it looks like I have another double yolk egg. I checked the nest box yesterday and got 2 eggs then I found 2 broken soft shell eggs on the poop tray under the roost so that was 4 for yesterday so no, I didn't miss one. Any one know what happened?

Starting on the left I know that is from our Australorp (Raven), next from our RR (Red) now the double yolk egg and the next one are a cream color so that would be from our Production Red (Blondie), then the little almost round light pink one (looks like white in the picture) is from Cinnamon our someone, said Black Sexlink (still not sure about her breed). Does that mean the Production Red laid two eggs within 24 hours? What?
The one in the back laid the egg in front of me this morning. Bin had an Americauna sign in front of it and they were half dead. Someone else said "EEs have pea combs" but from everything I've gathered EEs are mutts basically that can lay colored eggs and have different combs. I think for sure they are not pure Americaunas anyhow.
The one in the back laid the egg in front of me this morning. Bin had an Americauna sign in front of it and they were half dead. Someone else said "EEs have pea combs" but from everything I've gathered EEs are mutts basically that can lay colored eggs and have different combs. I think for sure they are not pure Americaunas anyhow.
They look like one I just got in the face but she is only about 10 weeks old. She is an EE with Old English Game in her. She has slate blue legs and feet. My other EE has green legs and feet and puffy cheeks at 11 weeks. What color are their legs and feet? I have seen a lot of people saying that they got Ameraucana's from craigslist or at markets but they were spelled incorrectly and the chickens turned out to be EE's.
The one in the back laid the egg in front of me this morning. Bin had an Americauna sign in front of it and they were half dead. Someone else said "EEs have pea combs" but from everything I've gathered EEs are mutts basically that can lay colored eggs and have different combs. I think for sure they are not pure Americaunas anyhow.

I am learning the EE debate runs hot. LOL It seems like some believe any colored egg makes a EE chicken and others like me seem to think they at least need to me an Americauna/something mix. What ever the case is, beautiful chickens and yay for more eggs! (I have a clear EE rooster over all my coop hens, I will not call the chicks EEs though. Planning to replace the Roo with an Americauna roo at some point though and then call the offspring EE and olive eggers! :)
The one in the back laid the egg in front of me this morning. Bin had an Americauna sign in front of it and they were half dead. Someone else said "EEs have pea combs" but from everything I've gathered EEs are mutts basically that can lay colored eggs and have different combs. I think for sure they are not pure Americaunas anyhow.
those are definitely not Easter Eggers or Ameraucanas. They look like they have some Leghorn in them. They may be Tetratints, it's a special TSC hybrid. What color is the egg?
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I personally don't call them EEs unless they lay green/blue/olive eggs. Most of mine are from Ameraucana parentage, so most of them have beards, pea combs, and blue/slate legs.

I have a Leghorn/ee that lays huge pale blue eggs, 2 blue jersey giant/EEs that lay olive eggs, a dark Cornish/EE that lays green eggs. I've also had Thai/EEs, mottled Ancona/EEs, and others.

I have a purebred Ameraucana rooster with my EEs, so the chicks are more likely to have the right traits for blue/green eggs
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