I am! My 4 chicks hatched 2 days ago.

I'm in Fayetteville GA
Well Bummer about the Magic Eraser! It worked so well on those stubborn little spots! Only used it on those few that just wouldn't come clean. Most my eggs are clean to begin with. Just, sometimes after it rains and the hens feet are so muddy and they all try to get into the same nest and I don't get them collected as often as I usually do, I would use the ME. And, I did rinse them off, too. Oh well. Guess I will have to look elsewhere for a good scrubbie!

Flowerbh, please don't give up using them on eggs just because of me. I am.... overly critical my mother has always said. It drives my extended family crazy. I look too deeply at things and in the end life is too short to worry about every little thing. I just can't seem to help mentioning things.... no filter at all. LOL I am sure it is fine, like you said, it isn't as if you use it on a lot of eggs!

I really hope things dry out here soon! I need to power wash the coop and don't want to if things will not dry out in it fairly quickly!
I am being so lazy today! No renters at the house and DH is helping some neighbors cut wood. I am so enjoying doing nothing for a few minutes! Here is my view! Loving it!xfz
He says he is starting a new group called, "We hate chickens!" with Rocky Rhodes wife! LOL. Although, my husband may have finally found a cure for "what ails us all" because Rocky Rhodes hasn't been on BYC since he last visited us!

I'm BACK!!! I've had a lot going on lately and just haven't had time to check-in. I AM STILL A CHICKEN ADDICT!!! Tell Mr. Flowerbh... THERE IS NO CURE!!

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