I can verify that this disease is real, and tragic.

I think I must have caught it when my sister-in-law picked up a few chicks some years ago and it reamained dormant until very recently when I realized that I can actually HAVE chickens in my area. I set out to get 3-5 hens for eggs only (and convinced my partner to sign onto this endeavor through his love of all things natural/organic).

So, when I got my chicks I factored in the idea that some would probably pass (chicks are very fragile after all, and it's my first time) and the fact that the chicks I was getting were straight run... and well, maybe a few bantamweights just for fun...
and now I have SIXTEEN chicks, all of which are fat and happy, and over half of which are "useless" bantams... and then I realized that I only have cream and brown egg layers and that makes for a very boring basket... so I'm on the lookout for EEs, Oliver's, and Marans... and of course I'll have to get a few of each to ensure at least one is a hen...

The struggle is real!
and I thought I had all the problems.. Lol
Pdx.... I can tell you that you can NOT use medicated starter for waterfowl the way you can for chicks. It will kill them. And you need to use a lower protein food for the goslings. Too much protein will cause them problems. One of which is angel wing. And you are right about the poop. That is all they do. And it smells SO much worse than chick poop. Geese aren't quite as bad about just mindlessly playing in their water and splashing it until it's all gone.
Mr Flower thinks I am the worst of the bunch. I bought GAM that GQF cabinet incubator. I have lost count of how much we have hatched with it but it's in the hundreds. This incubator came because I was tired of the 6 or 7 (I forget how many for sure) smaller incubators sitting all over the place.
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Pdx.... I can tell you that you can NOT use medicated starter for waterfowl the way you can for chicks. It will kill them. And you need to use a lower protein food for the goslings. Too much protein will cause them problems. One of which is angel wing. And you are right about the poop. That is all they do. And it smells SO much worse than chick poop. Geese aren't quite as bad about just mindlessly playing in their water and splashing it until it's all gone.

Robo, thanks for the advice......I didn't know about the medicated feed or different protein needs!

how about advice for dealing with a hatch crazed husband?
does anyone want to stage a group intervention?? we need a retreat center for chicken/duck hoard-itis.....
I am a certified enabler. I am the DH that buys dozens and dozens of eggs. O git GAMjr not 1 but 2 horses for Christmas. I started our goat herd...and then expanded it. I suggested our first chickens. I bought the 2 donkeys and said "ok" when that gut offered us the first horse we bought. So I am not the one you want talking to your husband.
I am a certified enabler. I am the DH that buys dozens and dozens of eggs. O git GAMjr not 1 but 2 horses for Christmas. I started our goat herd...and then expanded it. I suggested our first chickens. I bought the 2 donkeys and said "ok" when that gut offered us the first horse we bought. So I am not the one you want talking to your husband.
I must admit, I want a goat. I grew up with Nubian goats and the odd pygmy, and miss them.....but that would probably be over the top for our .7 acre piece of property which is already loaded with ponds, tiki bar, outbuildings, raised walkways and a huge enclosed chicken run. Oh yeah, and a house.
I am a certified enabler. I am the DH that buys dozens and dozens of eggs. O git GAMjr not 1 but 2 horses for Christmas. I started our goat herd...and then expanded it. I suggested our first chickens. I bought the 2 donkeys and said "ok" when that gut offered us the first horse we bought. So I am not the one you want talking to your husband.

Hi you Roboduck@ I like that certified enabler.... Yes you are a great buyer of eggs. You need more goats??? He he he, I know where there are some going to be for sale. seriously...I used to have a donkey, we were his apparently third home and found out that he was actually a Colorado, wild burro rescue by markings on his side that I thought were just an injury sight. He never was very tame although I did tame him a bit By throwing him homemade bread,,,, but I could actually get him in the barn by Calling "Hummus and Love" He knew that meant that the bread had homemade hummus on it and he was so loving that. He found loose barbed wire and wrapped it around his leg. We had to get help undoing it and he had to have his meds. Bless his heart he died of really old age years later. He rescued me from an attempted goat rustling attempt early one Sat am. Best Guard ever. Now we have our dogs and they are super but Eeyore still has my heart, I still cannot make hummus or see it on the menu without tearing up..:) Now you all know too much about me and I better get back to my work! Have a blessed day.

RIP sweet Eeyore you were so beloved.........
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Incubator update: So far 14 have hatched out of the 25 eggs in the incubator. The humidity dropped over night so I think it is affecting some of the other eggs. I got the humidity back up but now I'm worried that because of the humidity drop it may have caused the other chicks in the eggs pipping to get stuck and not be able to spin around to zip. Gonna wait a while and see what happens I guess...

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