noob here from Douglasville, GA!
Hello and welcome, neighbor.
Incubator update: So far 14 have hatched out of the 25 eggs in the incubator. The humidity dropped over night so I think it is affecting some of the other eggs. I got the humidity back up but now I'm worried that because of the humidity drop it may have caused the other chicks in the eggs pipping to get stuck and not be able to spin around to zip. Gonna wait a while and see what happens I guess...

I have an old trick I used to use, but be careful with it, get small acquarium tubing and access a ventilation hole AWAY from the fan and use a small funnel to add warm water in (I usually set this up on the day of lock down in case it was necessary. The easier trick is to run a warm air humidifier near your incubator, it will pick up the humidity through the ventiliation hole. Another way to add humidity was roll up kitchen towels rinsed in hot water and micowave them quickly so as not to burn a baby and place in outer edge of incubator, I only did this as last ditch effort and usually when we were hatching waterfowl. Good luck!
I bought them from a guy who said his bunch of chicks I bought were a few days apart but I'm thinking a week old? Can you see them in the pic? One is starting to get feathers.

A week worked for us. We had a small group in the brooder - 3 1 day old chicks and 2 1 week old marans. There was a small size difference at first, but not for long. No significant pecking issues.
My old timer dog Jake went to the vet yesterday afternoon and they said he has arthritis. Starting him on new meds, so I think I'm gonna stay home with him this weekend to make sure he doesn't have any reactions. He's a rescue, somewhere between 12-15 years old, so since I don't have any eggs/chicks/roosters to deliver, I'm gonna hang out with him.

He's protected myself and my daughter for almost 10 years, so it's the least I can do for him.

I hope everyone has fun and I'm sure I'll be at the next one! Hoping to meet Robo, GAM, and others I haven't had the pleasure of meeting yet next time around :)

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