Does he have a license? And you need to know, you must wash eggs you are going to sell. (I have a customer who wants unwashed eggs like PApa does. She is my one exception. All others, I wash.)

I thought we were talking about washing eggs to hatch. HAHA! I always wash mine before putting them in the refrigerator. Don't want folks to think I am nasty. LOL

OMG!!!! I love this!!! :lau. :gig
i wouldn't submerge them at all!

the sciatic nerve is the one I have all the damage done to it. it's the one that goes from your lower back down the leg.

as for that americauna with no beard or muff, I'd sure question that and I wouldn't take a chance breeding that one if you're wanting purebreds. here's a link to the ABC page on them, says they "MUST have a pea comb and be bearded and muffed and tails. No tufts" If someone sold me a non bearded bird, I'd be showing that to them and explaining without a beard, it's not recognized. The beard gene is passed on even in cross breeds. All the chicks I got from breeding my rooster with leghorns and australorps have beards.....so it's up to you what to try to do with it.

All I can say is somebody shoot me cause this pain is getting old. LOL I swear its like nonstop and gets worse daily! Doc gave me something called Gabapentin that does nothing for me.

I researched all I could once I figured out the rooster only had fuzz. Mypetchicken,com swears it isn't genetic and I would be ok to breed him. I don't have any blue hens so I plan to breed him to my blue/silver and red/blue easter egger hens. We shall see if it is genetic and they better hope it isn't. Then again, I have seen EE roosters and hens that didn't have muffs or beards. Here are a few pics of him. He is perfect except for the muffs and beard. Up close he has some growing but nothing like it should be.

I have always wondered what my Ameraucanas would look like without the muffs and beard, now I know. HAHA!
All I can say is somebody shoot me cause this pain is getting old. LOL I swear its like nonstop and gets worse daily! Doc gave me something called Gabapentin that does nothing for me.

I researched all I could once I figured out the rooster only had fuzz. Mypetchicken,com swears it isn't genetic and I would be ok to breed him. I don't have any blue hens so I plan to breed him to my blue/silver and red/blue easter egger hens. We shall see if it is genetic and they better hope it isn't. Then again, I have seen EE roosters and hens that didn't have muffs or beards. Here are a few pics of him. He is perfect except for the muffs and beard. Up close he has some growing but nothing like it should be.

I have always wondered what my Ameraucanas would look like without the muffs and beard, now I know. HAHA!
so lets see, you have the seller swearing it's one thing, and the official breeders page saying something else. Nah, a seller wouldn't misrepresent something

and in my best Forrest Gump voice, "that's all I'm gonna say about that"

as for the pain, I do hope it gets better for you. Yeah, gabapentin is supposed to be pretty good stuff. I've never had it though so I can't attest to it. I do know that there is no point ever in any day that I am not in some level of pain. Lord help me on days I over do things (which doesn't take much).
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