Well still taking in and caring for some neglected starving chickens and found that I have a problem with one of them. The area around her vent / annuls is all red and minor swelling and not sure of the cause or best treatment. Going to try cleaning the area, use some prep H and wound spray and hope I can get it healed, still have her in isolation and hope soon to get her with the rest of the flock.
Awww. Poor chicken ! I hope she heals up. I think you rescuing them is pretty rad.
Careful what you wish for = today's lesson. I got my injection and **** if it doesn't hurt like a B! Lol i can't move it at all & a slight wiggle of my fingers makes me want to crawl out of my skin! Wasn't expecting this. She said it'd hurt for couple days. I hope that's all. I'm ready for something to give, even if the relief from it is only temporary. She said it only lasts a few weeks. Wanted to do a different procedure but ins doesnt cover it. We did the steroid today to buy me a few weeks of comfort while I scavenge up the funds to do the other thing. I was very intrigued & it sounds much better than the steroids. Oh , the plus side is that she's actually pretty cool after all. Maybe she was just having a bad day when I saw her thefirst time. I have PT scheduled for feb 8.

That sucks that it caused you more pain! I almost went to the Chiropractor today but when I think about it, I seem to feel a little better knowing I'm not. The other time I had this happen I went and he made it worse and I was in so much pain I could barely stand it for 5 days. I hope it gets better for you soon. I am waiting until Friday to see improvement and then will try the chiropractor. Or maybe Monday so I am not laying around in pain all weekend. Yeah, I will give it til Monday!
Papa you e got some beautiful splashes there!
thank you ma'am! these two were the two blue eggs my broody hatched, along with the two aussie mixes I kept. I'm very curious to see that leghorn cross when he's fully feathered out, I get the feeling he's going to have some tremendous plummage on his tail
I was having this conversation just recently. People who don't suffer some kind of chronic illness or pain have no idea. Even those who live with us. My wife see's me suffer, she knows how bad I tell her I hurt and she can see the evidence of it, but even at that, while she may be a witness, she doesn't experience it herself.

No it wasn't her I was discussing it with, it was someone else. I had an outright argument with someone once about that very thing. She has a disabled child and yes she witnesses it and suffers along with her, but she doesn't experience it herself and she might think she knows what the daughter goes through, but unless she suffers that same pain, she really doesn't.

That run I'm building? I had half that done two weeks ago. Took me all day today to do the other half, and this evening I can barely walk. But those days I can get out and do stuff, I do it. I'm gonna hurt anyway, I might as well try to accomplish something, so what if I don't get dressed and leave the house for a few days after  

Papa, your coop looks great! We are going to move our coop a little bit back up the hill this spring. Hoping to add a duck run/coop so that the chickens can stay dryer. We will also make a separate run so we can have our Lav Ameraucanas stay pure.

I am sorry you are in so much pain. I, too, have Hasimotos disease, but with my small pill, haven't had any problems in years. The only thing that seems to bother me the most is my dumb Hot Flashes! Ugh. I sometimes think I will just burst into flames! But, I have to say, I don't get cold anymore!
I'm in savannah!!!!! I am waiting on my Ayam Cemani eggs to arrive in the mail.
Good luck on the silkie babies!!!

Ayam Cemani????!!!! wow! those are the most amazing looking chickens ever ever.

That sucks that it caused you more pain! I almost went to the Chiropractor today but when I think about it, I seem to feel a little better knowing I'm not. The other time I had this happen I went and he made it worse and I was in so much pain I could barely stand it for 5 days. I hope it gets better for you soon. I am waiting until Friday to see improvement and then will try the chiropractor. Or maybe Monday so I am not laying around in pain all weekend. Yeah, I will give it til Monday!

Sat in a tub of hellishly hot water for 20 minutes, took some advil & had a couple of Jack & gingers. A little improvement. while in the hot water, I was able to at least extend my arm straight for a bit. I had to use the other hand to keep it stretched but it felt better temporarily. I'm kinda wondering how sleeping is going to be. I take a medication before bed that sometimes makes me sleep better, but I've never experienced this before. I'm more worried about my husband's severe RLS making it hard, if I can get comfortable. Lately, his flare ups haven't been too bad. My luck will be tonight will be like sleeping with the robot legs in that Herbie Hancock video(circa 1980ish). When it's really bad it's probably akin to chinese water torture. LOL
Ayam Cemani????!!!! wow! those are the most amazing looking chickens ever ever.:love

 Sat in a tub of hellishly hot water for 20 minutes, took some advil & had a couple of Jack & gingers. A little improvement. while in the hot water, I was able to at least extend my arm straight for a bit. I had to use the other hand to keep it stretched but it felt better temporarily. I'm kinda wondering how sleeping is going to be. I take a medication before bed that sometimes makes me sleep better, but I've never experienced this before. I'm more worried about my husband's severe RLS making it hard, if I can get comfortable. Lately, his flare ups haven't been too bad. My luck will be tonight will be like sleeping with the robot legs in that Herbie Hancock video(circa 1980ish). When it's really bad it's probably akin to chinese water torture. LOL:lol:

Thank you!!! I hope to start raising them and selling them. This will be my 2nd batch. I have 2 chicks now. They are so cute and getting big. I can't wait till they get here but......usps has lost them. They were due here yesterday.

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