The two sick juveniles who were at deaths door are back to normal a week after putting them back on the good food they used to eat (from TS)! They will probably go back into the big coop with the others tonight! Yay! Except one is a male and I need to rehome him. Ugh!
current mood. I'm real real sick of the state of things y'all.
Hey guys. I have four 18 week old Rhode Island Red roosters that I need to rehome because there are too many. I want to find a good home for them where they will be loved and not eaten. They will be free to a good home. I can get some pics if you want. :)
The two sick juveniles who were at deaths door are back to normal a week after putting them back on the good food they used to eat (from TS)!  They will probably go back into the big coop with the others tonight!  Yay!  Except one is a male and I need to rehome him.  Ugh!
What kind of food are you all having issues with ? All but three hens are not laying and they are not molting I am wondering now if it could be the food .
What kind of food are you all having issues with ? All but three hens are not laying and they are not molting I am wondering now if it could be the food .

I had bought some food from the local feed store. It was an ALL Grain feed for layers and breeders. Had used it for maybe 3-4 weeks. I started noticing the juveniles stumbling around. One just died out of the blue, one had an impacted crop (not really related to the other 3 sick ones), and two just stumbled until they couldn't walk. The hens were only laying 3-6 eggs a day. I had been using the Nutrena from TS, so I switched back and within a week, the sick ones are now normal and the hens are back laying. I don't know, maybe there just wasn't enough vitamins and stuff in the other to support the growth rate of a juvenile. (3-4 months old). Or maybe it was just old and the nutritious value was gone? But, I will be sticking to the Nutrena from now on. I have also liked using a 22% pellets mixed with 16% crumble. That really gives me the best results!

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