I am in Waverly Ga

So how many and what kind of chickens do you have?
Just starting back up after moving. We had chickens previously and wanted to do so again.
At the moment we have a young Buff/Bardrock cross.
I have finished My hen house and run. so looking to expand.
So, all day DH was having us do work. Put the wood chips out, and then DD and DH fixed the gravel. Ate lunch, then DH wanted to weed eat. I didn't want to. Every time we started heading down to do it, it started to rain. 3 attempts and every time it would start raining. So I decided to start cleaning the kitchen. I saw DH and DD go down later to start weed eating. A few minutes later, DH calls and says they got in a yellow jacket nest! DD jumped in the lake. Got about 50 bites!!! DH got about 20! God tried every way he could to stop us! If I had gone down with them, I would have died! I am allergic to them!
So, all day DH was having us do work. Put the wood chips out, and then DD and DH fixed the gravel. Ate lunch, then DH wanted to weed eat. I didn't want to. Every time we started heading down to do it, it started to rain. 3 attempts and every time it would start raining. So I decided to start cleaning the kitchen. I saw DH and DD go down later to start weed eating. A few minutes later, DH calls and says they got in a yellow jacket nest! DD jumped in the lake. Got about 50 bites!!! DH got about 20! God tried every way he could to stop us! If I had gone down with them, I would have died! I am allergic to them!

Oh my gosh! So glad you didn't go out with them. :(
I feel bad for your DD and DH though, hopefully they recover quickly.
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