Cool. You gave your quilt arms.
yes I did that was the trickiest part,
I find the older dogs will teach the younger ones, just bring them both out and you may have to scold the new baby but she will soon learn.  Maybe start her meet and greet on a leash. Or pick one up and let her get a good smell, usually they want to smell but the chickens run and then the dogs think they are playing, let us know how things go.
[/quote I will definitely be doing the meet and greet on a leash, my Dh went to Miami for the week end, when he gets home to hold the leash and dog I will let the sniffing begin.Thanks I will let you know how it goes .
ok, I know this is the chicken page but I need to share my latest project, it turned out really nice better than I thought it would so when I'm not playing with chickens I'm quilting. This is the start to my 3D quilt.
It looks great! Love the colors, too.
Cool. You gave your quilt arms.
You can really see the 3D effect there! They almost look real! ;)
ok, I know this is the chicken page but I need to share my latest project, it turned out really nice better than I thought it would so when I'm not playing with chickens I'm quilting. This is the start to my 3D quilt.

Wonderful! I have so many quilt tops that need to be quilted! I haven't quilted since we moved into the little apartment from the big house! I'm jealous! Can't wait to see the finished product!
Thanks all for the compliments, I really appreciate it, I have a smaller project I have to finish then I can get back to this one only 4 more blocks to go.

The Arms were really the hardest part, when cutting you just have to wait for them to stop bleeding before attaching
Happy Tuesday everyone! If you woke up this morning with a hankering for some roosters, I have got some good ones for you! Our 4 silkie chicks that we were positive we would have 50/50 odds of hens vs. roosters all turned into boys!! I have two buffs, one white, one splash/gray. They are approx. 5 months old, 3 out of 4 are crowing in the morning only, all are beautiful! No signs of aggression yet. I have more pictures here: http://www.meetup.com/chickens/messages/boards/thread/50203148

Also... I really want some silkie/frizzles hens. This is my third attempt and I keep getting males. Anyone have a source for some females?

I also have a beautiful EE roo who is also 5 months old. He has a gray tail with orange saddle feathers, very pretty young man. More dets here: http://www.meetup.com/chickens/messages/boards/thread/50203152

Guys, I don't need 5 roosters. In fact I'm fairly certain I am breaking Atlanta law with 5 roos in my backyard. I'm located just south of downtown Decatur.

Got some photos of my Mottled Orpingtons. They are about 7 months old. No eggs yet, but they are getting their red faces on! So soon!

And my Ameriflowers! Cross between my Swedish Flowers and my Lavender Ameraucana. They should lay nice green eggs.
What the heck. Got lots of new photos and nobody else is posting much, so you guys get to see a lot of chicken pics! LOL!

Wilma, my frizzled Naked Neck with her new fall feathers!

My new coop

Bindy, my Silkie mixed frizzled Naked Neck! Robin is behind her. She is a Crested Cream Legbar. Both these hens give me pretty blue eggs.

Chloe is an Olive Egger. She has pretty new fall feathers, too!

Cooper, my Lavender Ameraucana Roo
Wait! There's more!!!!

Trixie, my frizzled Easter Egger!

Beau, our huge Brahma roo and the love of my HD's life!

Hershey, our Black Copper Marans. And the mother of Thelma and Louise. (See next post)

Flower, one of my Swedish Flowers.

Left, young Cream Legbar (no crest on this one) and my Easter Egger, Moon. Heather, my Lavender Ameraucana hen is in the back left corner.

Poor Sunnie.....she is molting sooooo bad. She is a frizzle and should be an orange version of Trixie ( 1st photo above) . Trixie is Sunnie's mom.

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