I tot
So, the renters bought 9 chicks to take home to south GA.  My friend took his 21 chicks.  (Paid me $1 each for hatching them) .  So that should leave me 23.  Anyone interested?

I would if I, but some actually hatched! I'm dying for a brahma! I have a lavender Ameraucana rooster, but no hen. It looks like I hatch a lavender chick. I didn't think that happened unless both were lavender. Do you know anything about that? How many lavenders did you end up with?
I tot
I would if I, but some actually hatched! I'm dying for a brahma! I have a lavender Ameraucana rooster, but no hen. It looks like I hatch a lavender chick. I didn't think that happened unless both were lavender. Do you know anything about that? How many lavenders did you end up with?

That chick sure looks like a blue or lavender to me! Could any of your hens be recessive for lavender?
HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I'm so thankful for my family, my home, my pets, my friends, my country, and the beauty of the Earth! I love the seasons, the colors of the world and the tiny bit of rain we got last night! I'm thankful for having 'enough'. I'm thankful for living in the country where everything is clean and slow. (Went into Atlanta yesterday.....thankful I'm not in all that concrete and traffic!!!) I'm thankful for life and liberty! Love you all!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and the rest of you BYC folks!
Well, I finally settled in with 3 breeds of chickens free ranging in different areas BO, EE and Cream legbars. Oh but that couldn't be enough, I still have the pond (or what's left of it) that needs some fixtures on it so I have new arrivals. They're all young and the Swedish Blue have just started to lay.

Aylesbury ducks on my beautiful desert grass.
Swedish Blue ducks

Exhibition Dewlap Toulouse geese

Old Mother Goose
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Happy Thanksgiving to you and the rest of you BYC folks! Well, I finally settled in with 3 breeds of chickens free ranging in different areas BO, EE and Cream legbars. Oh but that couldn't be enough, I still have the pond (or what's left of it) that needs some fixtures on it so I have new arrivals. They're all young and the Swiss Blue have just started to lay. Aylesbury ducks on my beautiful desert grass. [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR] Swiss Blue ducks Exhibition Dewlap Toulouse geese Old Mother Goose
My goodness! You really got a lot of beautiful 'fixtures' for your pond! They are lovely! And, duck eggs are, oh so good!
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving day, we went to lake lanier and had a wonderful feast, I tried something new, Gam don't look

Muscovy duck, it was good. I only took a tiny bit just to taste it. tastes like chicken, lol
I need help changing my Avatar, I want to pick one of my avatars from my collection and when I click on change avatar it wants and address etc, I just have the picture. on byc
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving day, we went to lake lanier and had a wonderful feast, I tried something new,  Gam don't look

Muscovy duck, it was good.  I only took a tiny bit just to taste it.  tastes like chicken, lol

She has no problem with eating muscovies. You should have seen the carnage at our farm Tuesday after the bird slaughter that took place.
Muscovy ducks are challenging Pekins for the spot as top meat ducks. It all works for me. In fact, I processed a Muscovy after doing 7 turkeys Tuesday. He's in the freezer now.

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