Does anyone sell dark dark Marans eggs?

I managed to get 2 pullets from that BCM roo over my Wheaten Maran (who lays very dark eggs). They should start laying in another 2 months or so. Right now i'm roosterless but planning on keeping my eyes peeled for another BCM roo come spring when i'm ready to start hatching eggs again (assuming you are looking for fertile eggs). I'll reach back out if I succeed.

On a related note - i'm going to sell my 2 year old Wheaten Maran hen once the new girls come on-line (along with by 3 other 2 year olds and 2 of my 1 year olds). Let me know if you you're interested.
I call photoshop on the kitten hoarding chicken.
you take all the enjoyment out of this
Hey everyone! Just thought I would remind you all that my birthday is tomorrow! That should give you plenty of time to send me tons of birthday presents!!!! Hahahahaha! I am officially an old woman now! Medicaid and all! Yay for me!!!!

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