Anyone selling hens that live around 30 minutes from Mableton. I justsold some hens to make room for new ones (and no I did not sell them to someone who is gonna cook them, who would do such a thing) but I can't seem to find anyone who sells mature hens.
Check craigslist. I just did and found several folks selling hens. Do a search using "chickens." Best of luck.
So you all know we are getting goats. Between all the rain and the friend who said he would come over to help not showing up, we are still way far from finished with the goat house and fencing. But here is a sneak peek.

Added the steps and deck today. Will be putting more dirt at the bottom of the stairs. Off the right of the deck, I would like to build them a swing bridge that will cross over the small gully to the right of their house.

Started with the tree house we had built for the grandkids. They never played in it because "it didn't have a plug for their Nintendo!" Closed in the bottom part for the goats to house in. The upper part will be for them to climb up in. The bottom part will have several 'beds' and a birthing stall across the back. The front door will mostly stay open so the goats can go in and out during the day, but they will be closed up at night. The metal stuff coming out between the top and the bottom is temporary. We will be making a porch roof.
So you all know we are getting goats. Between all the rain and the friend who said he would come over to help not showing up, we are still way far from finished with the goat house and fencing. But here is a sneak peek.
View attachment 1017784
Added the steps and deck today. Will be putting more dirt at the bottom of the stairs. Off the right of the deck, I would like to build them a swing bridge that will cross over the small gully to the right of their house.
View attachment 1017785
Started with the tree house we had built for the grandkids. They never played in it because "it didn't have a plug for their Nintendo!" Closed in the bottom part for the goats to house in. The upper part will be for them to climb up in. The bottom part will have several 'beds' and a birthing stall across the back. The front door will mostly stay open so the goats can go in and out during the day, but they will be closed up at night. The metal stuff coming out between the top and the bottom is temporary. We will be making a porch roof.

That is so cool!!! Your goats are going to have the sweetest digs around!
holy crap! You know you've been gone for a reeeeaaallly long time when you log in and it's been completely overhauled! :confused:

Hi everyone!
I just wanted to ask about selling eggs. I'm trying to convince the husband that I need to take in the 10 hens that my friend's parents can no longer care for. Chemo & treatments for Meso make it too difficult so they're exploring options. They know I'll take them all but that means convincing the spouse with the wallet. Here's the deal- My stupid food allergies mean I have to feed them a corn free feed. Cheapest we've found is about $34/40lb bag.

He's always talked about selling them for $3 a dozen, which I'm cool with, but I have no idea if that's reasonable, too high or too low. Considering it would be about $200/mo if I feed them 1/3lb each per day. With supplemented kitchen scraps, scratch, etc.

The plan is, I'm tryna do like Robo said & I think it was along the lines of "better to ask for forgiveness later..."

I told my friend if he's cool with it I'd take em this weekend. And by "cool with it" I pretty much told him
"Hey, I may be getting 10 more birds this week, I'll figure it out when they get here...please don't make them split up the flock, their grandkids will be heartbroken if they can't visit them...":oops:

So, how much y'all? what do ya think?
In Dahlonega, the going rate at the farmers market is $5 a dozen. At Dawsonville, it is $4 a dozen. Make sure you have your Candler's License if you are planning to sell them away from your home. My chickens totally pay for their own feed. (But, I also use coupons) I don't buy the cheapest feed, but I don't buy organic either. Hope you can work it out!

Nice to hear from you again!!!
In Dahlonega, the going rate at the farmers market is $5 a dozen. At Dawsonville, it is $4 a dozen. Make sure you have your Candler's License if you are planning to sell them away from your home. My chickens totally pay for their own feed. (But, I also use coupons) I don't buy the cheapest feed, but I don't buy organic either. Hope you can work it out!

Nice to hear from you again!!!
Thanks for the info! I don't plan to sell off the property but am willing to get the candling license, I just gotta find a class in my area if possible. I assume most market eggs are graded or are at least all the same size(?). My little mixed flock has small/med/large all mixed in. nfortunately with feed, we have to do organics because they're the only brands that offer corn free. I started of with it, which was fine for 4 birds but when we added more, I switched. Soon found out I was allergic to corn(have been for a while apparently) and realized that whenever I ate the eggs, I got itchy. The feed we switched to was corn based. Seems most are, so I went back. Don't get me wrong, it's an awesome brand, just pricey and not very convenient to get a hold of in this part of the country. That $200/mo isn't factoring in the freight.

Feeding 22 birds on it may be something the husband isn't on board with. At the same time I was on the phone with my friend, he was trying to get home from work with a transmission that suddenly isn't cooperating. Not a happy camper.:fl

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