Okay, silly chicken-question time! Does anyone here make chicken diapers, not baby diapers with little chickens on them, but actual diapers for chickens? The reason I ask in that we have one BO pullet that Lisa wants to keep in the house for awhile and not in a pen. :rolleyes: The pullet came from the brood that was attacked by the black rat snake last month. We lost another buff from that same brood this morning. We've never had losses from a brooder like this before, so we're convinced the snake bites infected the chicks that it bit.

In my research, I've seen chicken diapers on Etsy and Amazon, but I'm a bit leery based upon all the negative reviews. Push come to shove, I suppose I could find a pattern and make something out of red shop rags and elastic, but if someone has experience with these things or knows how to make them, that would be fantastic. Please let me know. Thx.

Hey!! I saw some info about them...let me sift through the dumpster that is my mind and see if I can't track it down for you.


this appears to be a list of how-to's and people who make them. i've heard some people use surgical masks. :celebrate
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ok, I set the eggs that I got at the BBQ, the duck eggs were in before now, so I have 50 eggs in a 24 egg brinsea incubator, lol, don't ask how I did it. The runner duck eggs only 2 showed growth, that I got from flower, which I'm ok with since I will have to make a pond.

I have ribs,brisket, and a pork loin in the smoker!!!!! going low and slow, yummmmm, we will see if it is just as good as brucifer's and papa's. sure smells good. oh will smoke some salmon tomorrow, it doesn't take that long.

Happy Memorial Day everyone
Sounds like y'all will be eating high off the hog today. What kind of stuffing did you use with the pork loin?

Rain is estimated to hit at about noon in our area of the state, and I still have some fence line to clear this morning, so it will be ground chicken burgers for us. I will use skinless, boneless chicken thighs and grind that with bacon and seasoning in a 3:1 ratio, chicken:bacon. I wish I had time to smoke some meat today, but simple grilling will have to do. Hope your holiday goes well.

Hey!! I saw some info about them...let me sift through the dumpster that is my mind and see if I can't track it down for you.


this appears to be a list of how-to's and people who make them. i've heard some people use surgical masks. :celebrate

Hey Liv, thanks for the info. I'll look that over with Lisa. (She's the one with the FB account.) Actually, I hope she changes her mind and decides to put the pullet in a pen, or better yet, in the coop with the other girls when she's old enough. We have three cats, and Lisa wants us to get a large-breed dog soon, so having a chicken as a house pet is going a bit too far IMHO. lol
Brucifer, I looked those up one day. If you google for patterns for chicken diapers, I found a you tube video where a lady showed how to make them, how to use them, how to clean the main part. The disposable liners were just folded paper towels. She showed her chicken walking thru her house, etc. Then she had a link to her pattern that came in several sizes. Bantams/Large fowl, etc. I will try to find that one and send you the link.
Just thought I would add that the video I had watched years ago had lined the main diaper with shower curtain plastic so that all she needed was the paper towel. The inside could just be wiped out if anything got past the paper towel. I will continue to look for that one.
Copied from a Chicken companies website on chicken facts.

**Did you know commercial egg farmers have 30 days from the day an egg is laid to get it to stores. Then, the stores have another 30 days to sell the eggs. The USDA recommends a maximum of 5 weeks in your refrigerator before you discard your eggs. What does this all boil down to? On April 1, you could be eating an egg that was laid on Christmas
Here are my 8 day old runner/Khaki Campbell mixed ducks enjoying outside. See how tall they stand? Like the runners do.
I let 7 birds go today---all of my crele cockerels, one crele girl & my 3 unsexed silver laced bantams. It's bittersweet---sold them to grow out with an option for a set number of hatching eggs as they produce. We loved the Dowager Lady Grantham and will miss her! Now, down to 4 of the 7 wk olds from my first hatch and @brucifer 's FBCM chick (can't remember her age). Of course, still have the 10 two week olds in the brooder, but it does seem lonely. Good thing more eggs are on the way... :celebrate

We've smoked ribs, sausages, chickens and a couple of butts to go with the cole slaw, potato salad, pasta salad and squash casserole I've made. I guess we might as well go big as we get into the home stretch of coop building! Hope all y'all are having a good day!
Happy Memorial Day y'all!!

Help! Our coop is off the ground about 30" with a gangplank to get up inside. All of our gals keep taking all the hay from their nesting boxes and work it out the door to surround the gangplank and put some under the coop. It doesn't matter how much is there - they keep doing it. Also, my biggest worry is why they will not come in out of the rain. They huddle under the coop and get wet. They do go in the coop at night themselves during the day to get water or extra food. They also don't use the roosts and instead all snuggle into two nesting boxes. These are my first chickens and I feel sure I'm doing something wrong. If it's normal and safe - I will be fine. I just don't know what normal is yet :)

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