How did everyone turn out after the storms last night. It got rough here for about 10 minutes and blew right over.

We're fine here! Heavy winds and very heavy rain for a few hours. It's trash day so the worst damage we had was that lots of trash cans toppled and blew trash everywhere last night.

We left some straps over the chicken coop and the run itself will probably still be standing even if the house blows over because of how my Husband built it. lol

I hope everyone else is doing well! I saw that there was some really terrible damage in areas surrounding us. We were very fortunate!
I am a second grade teacher who still wants to provide meaningful learning for my students, but still from my home. Every year I hatch chickens for them to see first hand the life cycle of a chicken. This year my kids got the short straw. With the coronavirus they are not going to be able to witness this awesome experience. I would like to still try and do this for them. I am looking for someone who is willing to donate eggs to me for my students. The biggest problem is with the Coronavirus I am uncomfortable coming to get them I am willing to help pay for shipping or whatever I need to do to get some eggs for my students. Any help is appreciated. I live in the Atlanta area

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