You have got to be kidding me!!

Torn on this one....Extreme actions ( I don't agree with ) but they didn't pay for the sandwiches.

I don't see a lawsuit against Safeway. They were in the wrong.
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It was a mistake. They probably didn't mean to shoplift.

Not only that, they offered to pay for them immediately.
If they had done it on purpose I'd think they would've denied eating the sandwiches.

I'd probably sue as well.
Do you know how many people "forget" to pay for their sandwiches?

Why should they get special treatment from those that "forget" their cash and walk out the door.
What gets me the most is the way the store handled it. That poor child being taken away for 18 hours and the parents arrested. The woman said she forgot to scan the wrapper and offered to pay the 5 dollars.

Now had she stuffed $100 worth of food under her shirt and just walked out of the store OK then that is theft. This was an honest mistake and the supermarket way over stepped their boundries in my opinion.
I can nor blame anyone here for being incensed at what happened in this situation, but I see it as two issues. First, the store and the police grossly over reacted and caused damage to this woman and her family. Second, no matter how innocent this woman appears there is no way for the store employees nor the police to know her real motives. Based on the actions that took place all they knew was that food was taken out of the store and not paid for. That brings it to the real issue as to how it should have been resolved. Given that this was a young couple with a young child and she was pregnant and he was military the most the store should have done is write up a report, taken their money to pay for the items and leave it at that. If it was their store policy to have to report every incident to the police then the police should have used better sense and just written her a misdemeanor ticket on the spot that called for an appearance and let it go at that. The entire thing was cause by forgetfulness and gross stupidy.
So that means that a 2 yr old human being should be separated from her parents for almost a day? And it would've been obvious if they actually had the intention to actually steal; you don't shoplift in front of a child and they would've tried to hide them so that the employees couldn't see them.

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