You Have What I want, I have What you Want Lets Trade. Online Trading

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I have eggs from many of my breeding pens....

Mille Fleur bantam Cochin projects (3 pens at the moment)
Sizzles (only one pen, the other is broody)
Silver Laced bantam Cochins
Silkies (splash roo over black and blue hens)
Marans- Golden Cuckoo pen, Black Copper pen and Blue Copper roo over Blue C and Blk C hens
Mottled bantam Cochins


Guinea eggs
LF Ameraucanas in blue, lavender or splits.
Blue and splash Marans
I have the LF Ameraucana in BBS. Pullets in Lav- Rooster coming. Some should be laying soon. I would like to trade for your mottled bantam cochins. Rain check?
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How many do you want? BBS are one group and the Lav are a different one. I'll PM with where they came from if you would like to know.
Blue laced red Wyandottes*
Bantam barnvelders*
Frizzled EEs*
LF Salmon Faverolles*
Bantam Cochins*
BBS ameracuanas
And of course barnyard mixes.*
wheaten ameracuanas
Modern game bantams
BTW Japanese bantams

* laying now

My wish list- I'm sure I'll be adding to this.
Wheaten, lavender, and BBS ameracuanas
Lavender orps
Black copper, blue copper, or BBS marans
Golden Lakenvelders
Guiena eggs, call duck eggs, peafowl eggs
Pretty much whatever ya got! Just send me a PM.
Modern Game bantams
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What color bantam cochins and do you have pics? I have black copper marans, silkies, and seramas right now. I've also got golden lakenvelders and guineas but the lakenvelders are currently free ranging (though I hope to have a pen for them soon) and the guineas are being dumb
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Oops the i have corrected it. I have a pair of mottled and a blue roo over a barred hen in my Cochins. I hope to get more soon.
Updating my list

Currently laying:
Black copper marans (3 hens; dark eggs....that's about it
Black sex-links (2 BR hens with the BCM)
Silkies: pair of white, pair of blue <splash roo, black hen>--penned together (Idk if they are SQ but they are very nice)
Bantam cochins (black mottled roo & 3 hens with 1 red frizzle hen in the pen; better than PQ but not quite SQ)
Serama (Several birds, many are show birds)
Coturnix quail (several colors penned together currently)
Button quail (several individual pairs)

Not currently laying:
OEGB (B/B/S: Currently I have a splash trio, blue pair, black roo, 2 blue hens, 1 silver blue hen, 1 splash hen, 2 blue pullets and 1 black pullet (from the blue pair). The trio and pair are penned, the others will be soon. I plan to rearrange them so everyone is happy
These are show birds)
Golden Lakenvelders (free ranging trio; pen coming soon!)
Barred Rocks (quad of hatchery birds but lay nice, big eggs
Japanese (BTW trio with 1 black mottled hen; rooster is SQ, I'm not sure about the hens)
Lavender/split lavender Ameracauana LF: split cockerel, split pullet, lavender pullet; young birds, might be next spring before they lay
Ivory and Lavender Guineas: goofy birds are hiding their eggs so I don't know if I can swap these

Rouen, Pekin, and Runner ducks: I have several broody or with babies and they all free range, but they lay year round so I'm sure I'll have some eventually

(Spring of '12): Embden geese

ETA: Limited quantities available, I have small groups at this time.
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On your bantam Barnevelders.... do you have pictures and are the eggs as dark as LF ? Do you have pics of the eggs?
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