You know it's getting cold when.........


10 Years
May 25, 2009
Long Island, New York
the chicken poo is steamy.
This is my first year with a flock and this morning when I let the chickens out to free range I noticed a cloud of steam coming from somewhere in the lawn. As I got closer I realized it was fresh chicken poo.
It's getting cold here!
Hee hee hee

I haven't noticed steam from the duck poo yet, but I can see my breath when I let them out of the pen in the morning. Time to shop for a heated water bowl. I am NOT chipping ice like I did last year!
you know it's getting cold when your hens and rooster's comb start to look paler(the ones with the large combs anyway). Ugh frost bite!
Cold? I wish!!! I feel like we've moved to a steamy rain forest. Two weeks of rain and another one predicted. Send all of your chickens over for a bug feast.
still high 80's here but oh how i wish it were cold! ive always been a winter person even though ive lived in this texas heat my whole life. there is just something about the cold near deadness of winter that makes me strangely happy and at peace
Shhhhh. If we don't talk about it maybe Mother Nature will forget and switch back to summer again.

I despise cold.

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