You know you're a backyard chicken owner when...

When you have a duck inside a dish tub, inside a laundry basket, covered with a beach towel that is clamped down because the duck hasn't realized you're trying to help her & she keeps escaping!! (Continuing treatment from bumblefoot).

You can barely see her in there in those pics!!
When your husband asks what are you buying now? More chickens? You can order Chicks or get eggs & hatch them out in a few months. But they lay blue green eggs & they're friendly & will get along with my Brahmas. My hubby says, how much? (Just got 5 Arcaunas, 1 roo & 4 hens) I just love my husband!
You know you're a backyard chicken owner when...

All of your chickens have nicknames.

When your rooster is too cool to get loved on but still gets a nightly hug, baby talk, and has more nicknames than anyone. (His name is Gortimer. Nicknames include Gord, Gordy, G, G Man, G Boy, G, Gordon, Gordon Ramsey...)

You spend at least an hour a day on your chickens in the winter taking all cold weather precautions.

You find eggs in your pockets at random times.

You dedicate certain songs to specific chickens.

When you sing for your chickens for a half hour while they lay eggs.

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