You know you're a backyard chicken owner when...

When you save the shrimp shells, and snip them up with scissors before giving them to the birds.

When you give your hubby the daily egg tally, and he "at least" pretends to care.

When you have a separate egg carton in the fridge just for "family eggs". The other stacks of full cartons in the fridge are "for customers."
When you save the shrimp shells, and snip them up with scissors before giving them to the birds.

When you give your hubby the daily egg tally, and he "at least" pretends to care.

When you have a separate egg carton in the fridge just for "family eggs". The other stacks of full cartons in the fridge are "for customers."
Or your hubby brought home a full size refrigerator just for eggs and it's full.... and the kids know to only get our eating eggs out of the kitchen frig, so "we have no eggs" doesn't mean there are none just none sorted for family consumption..... lol
When you bring the watermelon rind back from church, and freeze it so it can be doled out on hot days.
Oh Yes, we've done that!

Of course anytime I think of Chicken + watermelon, I think of the time I gave them a sculpted watermelon. I couldn't figure out why they were not eating their fav treat.

Later I realized why...

They probably thought the watermelon was trying to eat them!
IMG_2399 copy.jpg

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